Google Meet的網格視圖或圖庫視圖(真了不起!)

藉助Google Meet Grid View享受全新,更人性化的布局!





我的視頻是由Techsmith Camtasia製作的。





  1. Hi, thank you for the add on for the Grid View. Is there anyway that the host in Google Meet can control the participants microphone? So that only one person speaks at a time especially when giving instructions as a teacher. Secondly, is there a way to mirror my ipad or tablet easily in Google Meet. I realized ZOOM easily has these functions! Thank youu

  2. Really like these tutorials. Simple explanations. I have found that another great thing about the Highlight option on the grid is you can also quickly identify who is making lots of background noise or having feedback come through and can quickly mute them if needed. Especially with a lot of participants or students as the highlight will show up on that as well as the speaker.

  3. The grid view is fantastic, thank you! My issue is that when I'm presenting I can't see anything but my screen. Is there a way to present on part of the screen and see your students on another part?

  4. This is great! I'm using it with my Kindergarten Special Education students. The highlighted speaker function is helpful. In my position, cyber meetings with 5 year olds wasn't a thing….until now; your video was a great tutorial for newcomers like me. Thank you!

  5. I had a Meet with my class today and I could see everyone, but they were stacked in a straight line down the center of my screen, so they were very small. Rather than a grid, it was a strip. Any ideas how to fix?

  6. I added it to Chrome, but when I click on the grid icon, all I get is "Info & Privacy Policy" and "Donate to Ryan's School". I am on a Mac; I don't know if that has anything to do with not being able to use the grid view.

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