馬里奧銀河高清:我們需要/改變! [Mario Galaxy Switch]

我們探討了Switch上Mario Galaxy 1和2的可能性,並討論了我們希望看到的所有變化!


M&S奧林匹克運動會-Gusty Garden Galaxy





nin10doland /



  1. Some galaxies need more love, they have 1 star and that's that. My favorite galaxy, bonefin galaxy, has one level that's it. Also think camera angles could be worked on when swimming

  2. 1 Dont cut the bombs because of the bomb minigame i feel proud beating mario galaxy whit mario en Luigi 121 stars so dont remove that 2 the bowser fight got changed in 2 + that is a game feuture you cant do that 3 as hard as i want it multiplayer does not really suit
    Im okay whit the star tough 4 and dont put a remix of puzzelplank and dinostar
    Dont you dare 5 i love your contend but mario 3d world deluxe i say 3d earth lol

  3. I always watched gameplay of sunshine and 3d world when I was a kid, It would be a dream come true to play those game. Plus smg series would be next level when played on handheld. Nintendo please do thissssss. Also I liked the original soundtracks much much better than the remixes. I really hope nintendo don't spoil the originals. I don't know why everybody hated motion controls they were just fine for me. In The bomb trash cleaning mini game, you have to throw the bomb on yellow spots on the ground. Some stupids never understand the purpose of anything ???

  4. I think the c stick should be used for collecting star bits and pointing but it would be somewhat weird to have a 3d mario without camera controls. But galaxy doesn't really need it due to its linearity

  5. 3:53 "Some really talented YouTubers" Okay, Gusty Garden Galaxy and Yoshi Star Galaxy are actually good; but the other two sound butchered. The drums are too loud and Mario music is meant to be melody oriented."

  6. We need difficulty settings in the Galaxy remake for the 35th anniversary make what the difficulty is in the original game as the 'Normal' one and then make a Very Easy, Easy, Hard, Very Hard and possibly 'Grand Star' mode as I would call it where basically you only get 1 hit point and each level is on a timer (obviously there'd be no prankster comets since the whole game is basically a prankster comet).

    The way the difficulties would work I think would be stuff like increasing enemies in a level, speed and rate cannons shoot bullet bills and the regular cannon balls, enemies notice/lock onto you from further distances like how Bullets home in on you and goombas run at you, make moving platforms move faster, pull stars have less distance and for Bosses I think each difficulty level should add one extra phase.


    Very Easy: -1 phase
    Easy: stays same
    Normal: stays same as original
    Hard: +1 phase
    Very Hard: +2 phases
    Grand Star: +3 phases

    I think Very Easy would only lose 1 phase too since some bosses would literally be one hit if it was -2 and things exclusive to how Very Easy would work is that Goombas don't run at you, Bullet Bills only lock on if it's necessary for the level (Like destroying cages in Battlerock Galaxy).

    And obivously everything that makes the harder difficulties harder would be reversed for Easy and Very Easy.

    I know some people are gonna think Grand Star may be a bit over the top but my whole idea for it is that it's for the truly dedicated ort best players to beat which is why I gave it a special name rahter than just something like Extreme.

    Yeah… you can probably tell I』ve wanted to be a game developer for a long time without even having to ask me.

  7. The garbage level was painful until I realized they put those coins in those exact spots. They literally tell you where to throw the bomb. I've never had a problem since.

  8. Both Galaxies hold up well. Aside from replacing that alternate universe Luigi in Luigi's story with Googi (which even then I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't happen), they would mostly just focus on making the games even prettier. It helps both games have already great soundtracks that don't sound that obsolete.

  9. dude i saw this when it came out and REALLY wanted to watch it cause mario galaxy is one of my favriote games but i needed to watch the first 2 that you made D:

  10. I think they should let the boss fights exactly as they were and then after you completed the game you should be able to make refights which are more challenging.

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