
您知道的故事隱藏了一個秘密。富有遠見的導演奧茲·珀金斯(Oz Perkins)帶來了經典故事中令人震驚的新轉折。觀看由索菲婭·利利斯(IT)主演的格蕾特爾和漢塞爾的第一部預告片。 #FollowTheCrumbs #GretelAndHansel。

  1. Don't give me that "they changed the title for copyright reasons" s##t. If they wanted to differentiate from the original, they could have just added something to the title, "The chronicles of Hansel and Gretel", "The lost: Hansel and Gretel", "Untold story of Hansel and Gretel". It could have been anything really, they knew what they were doing with changing the name like that, and people can see it.

  2. I'd definitely take Hansel and Gretel witch Hunter with Gemma Arterton as Gretel and Hawkeye from the avengers as Hansel over this newer one

  3. can everyone shut up about the title? it's a low budget movie and they couldn't use the original title due to copyright reasons hence this being a horror rather than a children's movie or something like that.

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