約翰·威克(John Wick):第3章-Parabellum(2019年電影)官方預告片–基努·里維斯,哈莉·貝瑞

約翰·威克(John Wick):第3章-Parabellum – 2019年5月17日在劇院上演。與Anjelica Huston和Ian McShane。

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在腎上腺素推動的動作系列的第三部分中,超級刺客約翰·威克(基努·里維斯)頭上標價1400萬美元,路上追捕賞金殺手。約翰·威克(John Wick)殺害了陰暗的國際刺客行會(High Table)成員後,他被免職,但世界上最殘酷的殺手men等著他。

Summit Entertainment與87Eleven Productions共同製作了一部Thunder Road Films的作品。 。

  1. This one was a huge disappointment.

    1.) Too much cheap looking CGI. Especially the knifes in that first bigger fight looked like something from a 90s movie. When he used the horse as a weapon wasn't much better and the motorcycle action scene was ruined by it too.

    2.) The plot really jumped the shark with this weird world where everyone is an assassin, or working for assassins, or whatever.

    Making it that unrealistic ruins everything. When it is such a unrealistic fantasy world, then the feats and achievements of the heroes start feeling unimpressive and boring and it becomes impossible to care about anything that happens.

    The first two were still somewhat believable, except that scene at the end of the second one, where suddenly everybody stops and stares at Wick.

    I hate it when directors ruthlessly flush everything down the drain just for the effect of one weird (they probably thought it was "cool") scene like that.

    If in this weird other world everybody is somehow involved in the shadowy assassination business, then why were those Russian gangsters in the first movie the only ones not in on it and didn't know who they are dealing with?

    And how is there enough money in assassinating people to sustain such a enormous shadow economy, where somehow enough revenue is created to have assassins sit at every street corner, pretending to be bums 24/7?

    What well trained killer would do that for more than a day? Is that what they went to assassin school for? (Judging by the picture this movie paints of that world, every 3rd or so school must be a assassin school on that planet.)

    3.) Halle Barry still doesn't work as an action hero. She looks as silly doing it as she looked in "Catwoman", just that now she's old on top of being tiny and having this lame "I'm such a serious and dangerous super killer!"-expression on her face while doing over-choreographed stunts that clearly don't look as if they would work without the cooperation of the bad guys.

    This NEVER works.

    It was the same thing with Emilia Clarke in that "Terminator Genisys" movie.

    I don't know what it is, but those women can't sell it.

    You can almost see them count in their heads to get the right choreographed moment to come out of cover and shoot somebody.

    Every time they cram one of those actresses into such action roles, it looks like "Dancing with the Stars", with guns/swords.

    Even the dogs are silly and dumb in that Casablanca action scene. The dogs always keep biting dead henchmen and apparently don't know when to stop, then the camera cuts away from them and suddenly they jump another dude and then keep biting and pulling that guy around after he is already dead. At what point does the dog figure out that it might be time to stop biting the dead guy and go for a new one and why is it always conveniently off screen?

    It makes me angry that Reeves invested all that training and rehearsing and then it is turned to garbage in post production.

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