如何越獄iOS 10! (所有32位設備-iPhone 5、5C和iPad 4)

iOS 10越獄今天發布!他們說它適用於任何版本的iOS 10,但是僅在我使用iOS 10.3.3時才有效,因此請記住這一點。很抱歉,視頻質量差,沒有太多時間。


社交媒體(@ 91_Tech)

  1. Again, sorry for the low quality video, I was low on time. But regardless- are you going to jailbreak? Do you even have a device that can be jailbroken?

  2. nice video if you could remember when all of us was waiting for ios 9 jailbreak and the news broke that 32 bit device cant up date i was pissed until today .so how can i take it off

  3. has my device to be 10.3.3 or does it work with 10.2.2 as well?
    I have an iPhone 5 but if i go to systemupgrades there is no. it says 10.2.2 is the latest version. Can I upgrade to 10.3.3? (it is an iphone 5)

  4. This jailbreak couldn』t have been released at a better time, I just purchased a brand new 64 gb iphone 5, I purchased it simply because it』s design is gorgeous, and now with a jailbreak it will be a perfect device for me, I guess I』ll put away my iPhone X for a while

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