


RUMBLE講述了一個關於美國音樂歷史的深刻,重要,並且直到現在還缺少的章節:土著影響。 RUMBLE擁有音樂偶像Charley Patton,Mildred Bailey,Link Wray,Jimi Hendrix,Jesse Ed Davis,Buffy Sainte-Marie,Robbie Robertson,Randy Castillo等人,顯示了這些才華橫溢的本土音樂家如何幫助塑造了我們的生活。


由Rezolution Pictures生產

  1. So these people think they created African American music? Native Americans were influenced by African American music just like white Americans were influenced by African American music and that's where it ends. Most of these people aren't even native. Jimi Hendrix and Charley Patton were black by the way.

  2. Last night in Turners Falls, MA in an old opera house, renovated a few times and now part of a community, screened the film in between time for dance and music. I feel blessed; this film brought us all to a deeper understanding.. on the land we were in sharing in the homeland of the Wissatinnewag Nation. https://nolumbekaproject.org/wissatinnewag/

    The film brought up too what many of us wasted in our youth. Our conditioning and situations, too much for some, is struggling to still do together what we came here to do with following generations. Yet the pressures are still upon us. I was in NYC december 10, 2000 as we were there in support of Clemency to free Leonard Peltier. John Trudell spoke stirring our realities with his words.. his experiences. An empty space is felt only if I don't see him with us in the present, wherever he is.. I appreciated seeing Robbie Robertson for his music, roots, and what he said with his time on an Academy Award Show.. Referring to Leonard Peltier's unfair incarceration, Robbie said: I guess he was not Marc Rich enough. The film, too, brought me back to Woodstock and I wonder what happened. So many have taken a path for comfort. The unity of millions is sparse. Rumble brought me through all this with Buffy Sainte-Marie inspiring us with her perseverance for all our relations. We are now hopefully at a new threshold. 50 years since woodstock and the fake moon landings that we are not suppose to consider. Yet the humility of truth goes to each of our core when we are ready. Meanwhile the storm rages on.. If interested, please feel welcome to visit my web site (over 20 years on issues of peace and truth in space): FlybyNews.com

  3. I'm certainly no indian. I'm a proud white man. My ancestors were at Jamestown. And my ancestors, like lots of other white people's ancestors, fought native Americans. Obviously, that was long ago. I know a couple of native Americans, but not very well. But I'm absolutely the biggest Link Wray fan that there is. "Rumble" was the 2nd tune that I learned on the guitar when I was 14 years old.
    Of course, "Rumble" isn't the ONLY great work by Link Wray. He has MANY great songs & instumentals.
    For the life of me I can't understand why he's not in the
    RocknRoll Hall of Fame. He is definitely one of the great pioneering rock& roll guitarist.?

  4. I just finished watching this and a good film it was (despite the cheesy re enactments of Link Wray in his 'shack')…but seriously, no mention of Karen Dalton?! Yeah they used her song over the end title credits, but not a mention of this incredible singer. A serious omission considering she was Cherokee on her mother's side…I'm not even going to mention Jimmy Carl Black, also M.I.A…oh I just did.

  5. NO mention of Jimmy Carl Black? But numerous comments by Rolling Stone magazine writer David Frick; a magazine with ZERO credibility. And what was the dramatized bs with an actor portraying Link Wray? In spite of it's numerous merits, this movie could still have been a lot better. But hey, what do you expect from filmmakers too young to have any real background of their own? Cheap tactic using Link Wray to draw people to see a something that repeatedly drops the ball. And why feature Jimmy Page who is notorious for ripping off other people's music and calling it his own? I was going to give this film 3 stars but it's shortcomings are so egregious, I think it falls short of even that. Sad that people who consider this movie "amazing" have no clue how ignorant they are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYtGiqPGbYM

  6. I really enjoyed this wonderful film about music, history, and Native Americans. I will go see it again and tell everyone about how wonderful it was. As a Native American, Apache, I was empowered by all that my ancestors have done in spite of all the oppression. As a radio DJ I will be playing the music.

  7. Just saw this film at my local theater. It got a standing ovation from the movie audience at the end. 🙂 I came right back again the next night and took notes for further research. It was way too much stunning information to take in the first time through. And what a trip down musical memory lane!

  8. Rock and roll, is not the opposite of country.
    If country is cowboy, that does not make
    Rock indian. Rock and roll is grey (Kiss, the
    Beatles, Marilyn Manson, et cetra), and
    neither Black (rap) nor white (country).
    Elvis, during the seventies, with his cape,
    and Eagle bird outfit – how like a Native
    American Shaman? Indian influence?
    Ever see a tv show called, Tribal Trails?
    They are into this crazy country gospel music,
    as if the apostles ate flapjacks and herded
    cattle : "We're burning daylight, boys. Move'm
    out — r-aa-w-h-ide."

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