
在8.3版中,我們將查看即將到來的突襲Ny’alotha中Tanks的所有最佳規格和類別,以了解在新補丁中將佔據主導地位的因素。一定要為所有Ny’alotha簽出Wowhead https://tinyurl.com/rjxxxj


Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/
Wowhead https://www.method.gg/wowhead
NordVPN https://www.method.gg/nordvpn

Justwait的腳本和VO https://www.method.gg/player/justwait


  1. But stagger provides no magical damage benefit, and monks have no magic damage mitigation which combined with the lowest hp is why they're terrible for nyalotha.

  2. Of course monks are going to be top tier, Since Ion rusn a monk,not a BM monk mind you. They are always going to have that amount of representation. Favoritism at its highest lvl. Its sad when one tank class is desired above all else,and I truly believe this game,as far as the tanking scene,will NEVER be fair. That's why a vanilla veteran like me hasn't played or had the desire to in over 4 months

  3. It's funny how people cry about Demon Hunters, meanwhile stagger is still OP and Monks are considerably easier to play than people claim. There's even a write up on peak of serenity demonstrating how optimum brew usage isn't that impactful. Despite Brewmasters being nerfed twice it hasn't really gimped their ability to consistently smooth damage.

  4. So the 3 original tanking classes are low tier? Yeah, I'm not buying what you're selling. Pally and bear bring a lot more to this raid than have in previous raids, and yet they get overlooked by people who have never understood either class. It's a damn shame.

  5. Prot Pally has been rough this expansion. Honestly the biggest way I've been contributing to my raid is using Hand of the Protector to off-heal when I'm not actively tanking. Here's hoping Shadowlands is kinder to us.

  6. The way you have ranked tanks in this video is deceiving, you have done a disservice to players who are playing "low tier" tanks.

  7. Of all the ranking videos that have come out from Method recently… this is by far the worst. Terrible audio, rushed, and just poorly made.

    There』s no mention of DK at all? In any tier? EDIT: DKs mentioned at 2:43

    Dratnos or Jeathe, can one of you please re-do this video?

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