《魔獸世界》 BfA 8.3-開啟打撈板條箱-新島探險杜布隆供應商




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  1. Rule of thumb for me was I often do this not expecting mounts to drop. Gotten about 5 from the boxes (3 within the first day somehow.) another 2 off the island runs themselves. Not got the Risen Mare yet, I roughly gather up a box per day which is likely more fun with mates. Plus lot of the mogs I dig cause my alts lack appearances and fork over to friends. You'll get the Avenger, I mean hell I got the Infinite Drake during a timewalk without expecting it and that has a 0.1% drop shot within a week.

  2. opend 10

    got 1 mount
    rest was green trash gear

    why does Blizz implement stuff wich never drops or were the mobs are never up
    its just bull
    people dont want to randomly get some super rar mount
    they want a realistic chance to get the mount they like
    also why all these trash pets and old green gear that you cant even sell fpr much?

  3. Don』t feel bad Amanda I just opened up 10 crates for the damn island thunder scale and no frucken mount iam so disappointed ptr drop rate was around 20% the retail drop rate nerfed like crazy I have ran around 300 island expos and 10 crates and no mounts go to hell blizz you greedy bastards just more ways to get your game to look good keep ppl logged in to farm your stupid low drop rate rng bullshit game

  4. Oooo noooo unlucky ☹ i get the moose aswell after opening 18 crates but i do island fo ap anyway so dubloons come along every 8 -10 runs u get enough for buyin those. Btw which one you were aiming for ???

  5. I felt for you. Of the 3 bags that's up this week, I have all of the mounts from 2 of them. I was missing Twilight Drake, and my alt's first bag got that mount to drop.

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