新增功能如何通過iPhone上的extra_recipe beta4破解iOS 10-10.1.1-iPad-iPod Touch

新增功能如何通過iPhone上的extra_recipe beta4破解iOS 10-10.1.1-iPad-iPod Touch


extra_recipe beta4和Impactor下載






跟隨我! ?


  1. My Phone died and i dident use the Recipe so the profile went out so now i cant open Cydia or any cydia and i cant jailbreak it from the computer again

  2. Ok. So I have one question. Do I need to have jail broken with mach_portal to successfully jailbreak with extra recipe? iPhone 7 on IOS 10.1.1 and haven't jail broken yet. I attempted both mach_portal and extra recipe night before last with no success with either IPA please help. I am still under the impression I should use mach_portal successfully first then re-jailbreak with extra recipe? Or can I just use extra recipe by itself?

  3. UGH QUESTION/HELP: So I haven't used my iPhone 7 in a while.. I was going to use it again and rejailbreak tonight.. well I open up my impactor and MACH portal to jailbreak and it says, "You already have a current iOS Development certificate or a pending certificate request" This would be extender. Well I cant rejailbreak with Mach portal or this new method bc I guess extender is the pending request but I have to be jailbroken for it to work and I cant jailbreak = Is there a save for this without factory reseting? Cant delete extender either it wont let me.

  4. Im trying to use recipe but i don't see the messages you get like "failed, rebooting" or "jailbroken".. Mine either instantly crashes or i get the static black reboot. Never a message before

  5. Wait im confused when the phone failed it showed you having to enter a passcode lock upon boot and all the tutorials I have seen online say you need to first disable the passcode loack or fingerprint lock. How come you didn't do that?

  6. I have 7+ running ios 10.1.1 and every time i try to jailbreak it says 'jailbroken' but then when it goes to respring it freezes, gives me a temperature warning and then reboots, or takes me activate my phone.. does anyone else have this problem and do you know how to fix it?

  7. I told myself I wasn't going to update to this because my mach portal wasn't the most stable but always booted into jailbreak the first time.
    Yesterday though it took about 10 times so I figure its best to update.
    Do you have any random reboots now?

  8. Works on 10.1 keep doing it then manually reboot volume down power and home when it says failed,reboot after a couple of times it will say jail broken and work

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