綠皮書-官方預告片 [HD]


獲得奧斯卡金像獎提名的人Viggo Mortensen(《東方承諾》,《指環王》三部曲)和獲得奧斯卡金像獎的獲獎者Mahershala Ali(月光下的隱藏人物)在參與者媒體和夢工廠電影公司的《綠皮書》中脫穎而出。彼得·法雷利(Peter Farrelly)涉足電影長片領域,力求發揮戲劇性的作用,他掌管這部電影的靈感來自於種族,階級和1962年梅森·迪克森系列之間的真正友誼。
吉姆·伯克(後裔),查爾斯·B·韋斯勒(《傷心小子》)與Farrelly的作家Brian Currie和Nick Vallelonga以及Farrelly一同創作。該劇由參與者的傑夫·斯科爾(《幫助》)和喬納森·金(林肯),奧克塔維亞·斯賓塞(Fruitvale站)和誇梅·帕克(殺人比爾系列)以及Cinetic Media的約翰·斯洛斯(Boyhood)和史蒂文·法內斯(Steven Farneth)。琳達·卡德利尼(Linda Cardellini)(斷背山,創始人)共同出演。

#GreenBook #ViggoMortensen #MahershalaAli。

  1. Crazy that the director is best known for "Dumb & Dumber" and "There's Something About Mary." In the words of Lloyd, "I like it (this movie) a lot"

  2. I swear Hollywood just cannot stay away from these types of movies I guarantee you this shit will make an Oscar EVERYTIME. Mahershala Ali is a superb actor I was just listening to him and what he has to go through to try to get good roles in movies. This stuff sickens me maybe one day we'll see the true Talent of some of these people of color's roles without seeing something related to Slaves, gay, or gangster shitt. And this is my opinion so I don't need to see the comments about getting emotional over racism and other typical crap that certain people say

  3. Viggo Mortensen is right up there with Daniel Lewis, Joaquin Phoenix, William Forsythe,
    Gary Oldman, Willam Defoe, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, and the rest of the greats!
    Tarantino needs to get smart and find this dude!

  4. When i was quarantine at home bcs of corona virus, i feel bored than accidently i watched this movie, at the begining i thought that this will be be a boring movie, and i will fall a slept at the middle of the movie. But i am totally wrong! this is great movie. Everything in this movie was just good. One of the best movie i ever watched

  5. When this movie won best picture, I was puzzled, since the rating on RT was not that high. I decided to give it a shot. And boy do I regret not watching it earlier.
    This is a masterpiece. Its got just the right amount of comedy, drama & history. Also brilliant performances by Mortensen & Ali. Please give it a watch ASAP. The story is really easy to follow too.
    So fuck you to anyone who says it shouldn't have won best picture.

  6. Just like Hidden Figures.
    Stolen script about Einstein's granddaughters becomes an obligatory salute to anti racism zealots.
    What a country..
    At least the court system resolves the errors.
    Thank you Jesus.

  7. Funny the rumor I heard was that it was Elvis and his body guard cousin Frank Caruso.
    Propaganda put out there by Hollywood doesn't make it true.
    Elvis could look blackish.
    Maybe that's the mistake they made.
    Well, Sammy stole his ring, and than he was murdered in 1969.

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