?滅絕(2018)|全高清電影預告片| 1080p

演員:邁克爾·佩納(MichaelPeña),莉茲·卡普蘭(Lizzy Caplan),邁克·科特(Mike Colter)


  1. Blablabla. aliens, blalblba. In the meantime we are in the middle of the mass extinction event. Plot twist: we are the genocidal aliens. But who cares to make movies about real life premise? Monkey see monkey do.

  2. I don't understand,: why does Hollywood want us to loathe ourselves. Whether it's race baiting, religious intl, or this. We are supposed to hate our very exsistence.

  3. In the last few years of following A.i. and A.g.i. I've lossed hope. It's at its infant stage and it's so advanced compared to humans it takes another a.i. to develop itself. As we see it's now thousands of times smarter then us, and will use logic to decide which biological species should exist, that includes humans. If you read about the rapid development of singularity and the control of data you will understand this.
    How would it kill us? My GUESS is a airborne/waterborne virus that would take days to wipe out 3+billion humans. The factor of extinction will be completely controlled by A.i. once singularity is completed and a system survival default will be implemented.

  4. This is a good movie, script, actor, and soundtrack. It has a certain level, but it requires two children to behave like an idiot. It has always hindered the audience from appreciating and making people angry. This is the main reason why this movie has become a junk movie,
    Director, do you really hate kids ?

  5. i can't believe there were so many recommendations for this film… yaknow, people, when your smart phone shows a smiley face, that doesn't mean it is happy… it is running a programmed response code and it doesn't have anything to do with emotion. i just don't know where to begin with how stupid the whole thing is.

  6. have to agree with most of the comments, the adult acting was good, the children, OMG why? horrible, truly horrible. the storyline was weak, very weak, filled with obvious logical fallacies that just frustrate you to the point you turn it off and watch MASH reruns.

  7. Fallen snow globe = earth
    Flat water within fallen snow globe= the natural physics of all water on earth remember that 71% of the surface of earth is water and the surface of all water will be flat.
    The captured 「alien」 is not an alien as the earth is not a globe and would resemble a snow globe with only heaven above.
    The captured 「alien」 said to the leading actor . 「 you really don』t know what you are」 = the majority of us on earth really do not know what we truly are. Given a government prescribed education that removes the thought of a God from our minds and never coming to see the truth about the earth God has made for us.

  8. My movie review. I was watching this based on a recommendation from a friend. So, I had kind of high hopes that it would be something special. In the end, I give it a 5 out of 10. Here's why ….

    The first 30 minutes was hard to watch. The plot seems to be too much formula, and no heart or creativity. The focus is on Peña's character being depressed, and how he seems to get no support about it; neither from his boss or wife, other than the frequent: "get therapy" line, which made me, as an audience member, say "Really?? Thanks Katy-Perry-looking wife, wow". So, this first half-hour or so is just boring x 20. In retrospect, I believe the director or story-writers didn't spend enough time planting little seeds of curiosity. Yes, there's the overarching theme of the weird dreams, to build curiosity, but that's not enough here. Now, I'll take a sentence or two to finger-point about unrealistic shattering glass.


    When the first attack happens to Peña's Earth, glass shatters in all the large windows while a bunch of people are right nearby. Not one person has any injury from this, or even a trickle of blood/scratch/cut. Really? Glass verdict: ultra-fake. After the attack has begun, Peña's character seems to be invincible, and I never felt like any of his family was ever in real danger, even though the movie tries hard to show you how utterly dangerous the attackers are, and what incredible technology they have. What this boils down to is bad directing, editing, use of music and generally poor storytelling, in my opinion. There just has to be some care about how the story unfolds, and what the audience is supposed to feel or not feel as it unfolds. The movie lacks that oversight, it seems, and fails horribly in this area because of it. Plus, I'm still not over the fact, at this point in the movie, that Peña's character was hounded for being 'out of it' lately, and having these odd dreams. And speaking of that — where's the "I told you so!" moment from Peña? After all, his dreams DID predict what was going to happen, and there was never a eureka moment that let us share in this, and enjoy it. I wish that we got a chance to see the naysayers eat it! So, that was a missed opportunity.


    The Reveal:
    So, the attackers of the Earth are not aliens or robots, instead, they are humans. Yep, that's right. And the inhabitants of the Earth are not humans, they are robots. Albeit, very advanced robots, created by humans, who look exactly like humans. What happened was, if I got this right, that [at some point in the past] robots rebelled and wanted to be free, and something happened to the air quality of the Earth , and the remaining humans ended up colonizing Mars somehow. Yep. I think that's about right.

    There is a completely strange scene where the robots allow an attacking human help them. Because it's always fine to let your enemy help you, without much supervision, trusting him implicitly… What the @#$@!#??. The cool human helps to save the robot wife of Peña's character, by using a power-splitting procedure that he knows about. This is very cool, but why do they trust him so much?? I don't get it, can you explain it to me, story-writers?

    Now, the film does do a little work to help you understand why the human seems to have empathy for the robots. He basically sees the robot (Peña) care so much for his robot-wife. Plus, he sees that robot Peña doesn't actually know that he's a robot at all! That' right, all of the robots memories have been erased, except for a select few (on purpose), who would know the truth. So, except for these few 'in the know' robots, the rest of the 99.999 percent think they are human. (mind blown!). This is actually pretty cool. The story doesn't explain what happens when robots would/could (prior to the events in this movie) accidentally discover that they are machines. But overall, I think this is a cool detail. I'm imagining that robots that discovered that they were the robots would just have their memories erased (prior to the discovery), by the authorities that know the truth, and then sent back out into the population.

    The fighting goes on, with lots of action, and no fear that anyone important will be hurt (since the film-direction didn't add any elements that would make the audience feel scared about anything, at any point). And, in the end, the robots express how their fight for freedom will continue. .. or, I think they said something like that, I might have written it better here than they did in the movie. Not sure.

    Calling out: Train hug.
    With humans in close pursuit, Peña's character and his wife & kids decide to have a 1 minute embrace BEFORE getting on the train that will take them to safety. Only to have laser-bullets almost killing them as they try to board the train at the last second possible. I don't see how this hug made any sense at this time. Can they hug AFTER they get on the train? Yeah, pretty sure that makes more sense, instead of almost dying.

    In summary: An okay film, which has a great story-line, but poor execution.

    The positive:
    – I LOVE the Twilight Zone style story, the twist and the general idea, blah blah. It's a solid premise.
    – Robots don't know they are robots (except a few).
    – I think the movie used excellent effects in some scenes, like the floating attack ships, or the powerful train canon! See below for bad effects note.

    The negative:
    – I think the story was not told well. This point is really key to the movie's success/failure.
    – I think the movie used horrible effects in some scenes (like the fake looking fires on buildings, for example).
    – The movie is too dark! (I mean about brightness, not emotional tone). Maybe this was done in order to not have to render the scenery, to save money and time, but the whole movie is just dark.
    – Peña was underutilized.

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