10款最佳的新Nintendo Switch Eshop遊戲即將推出!

在這裡,我們看一下即將在下周在Eshop上發布的10種即將推出的Nintendo Switch新遊戲。有了幾個引人注目的發行版和一些有趣的獨立遊戲,您本周會選擇什麼嗎?







  1. As always seems to be the case, other games are added to the coming soon page of the eshop after my cut off point for making the video. Please feel free to highlight any other games that are coming this week. Do any of these interest you? Happy gaming. Glen

  2. I forgot about Freakout. Coming from a huge Smash TV fan, it looks phenomenal. I never heard of Hyper Jam, but it also looks intruiging.

    On a side note, I thought Hellpoint comes out next week.

  3. I don』t have time for any of these this week. I have been playing a minimum of 3hrs/day on ACNH… also I picked up Cuphead and Thumper last week. Thumper is (or was) 75% in the states.

  4. ugh already playing all my backlog game and this weeks kinda sucks too :<
    do you guys have any reccomendation ? other than animal crossing, that game turn out to expensive due to limited stock in my country (almost 2x normal price TwT)

  5. THanks Glen! Hah really great video. I can』t quite put my finger on it (helpful I know) but this video seemed to have a leap in terms of general quality and fun. Top job!

  6. When you open with a board game that is single player only making me think it kind of defeats the purpose of a board game then later have Billion Road and all I can think is one is clearly going to be more popular than the other right now with families all staying home.

  7. Super Pixel Racers looks good . Also A Fold Apart and Freakout is a good price if it plays well .
    Loved the music by Lama House and Cacti! Going on my playlist !
    Thank you Glen!
    Laura .

  8. I feel the Switch lacks a bit of balance in the games types. It's either Nintendo's AAA or indies, a lot of indies, and few middle ground AA.

    And the indies lean a tad too much on the retro vibe.

    A Fold Apart was the most interesting on this list since they picked a nice art style over an overdone pixel art

  9. I'll keep an eye on Super Pixel Racers! I'm looking forward to Circuit Superstars, but this one has a more arcadey feel to it which I love in these top-down racers 😀

  10. Super excited for super pixel racers. Checked out a couple reviews of it on the ps4 and it looks to be really solid. Surprising amount of depth for the simple presentation. I'll look forward to your take on it when it comes to switch. That was a nice surprise, i hadn't heard of this one before.

  11. Just wanted to say thanks for the vid, very much enjoyed it. Also, i appreciate whoever it is that picks out the music. Switch up videos are always multilayered

  12. Billion Road, A Fold Apart and Hyper Jam look promising and might be worth checking out. But for now i wait on Billion Road for Reviews as it is at a higher price and should definitely deliver something good. Hyper Jam is probably most fun with 4 Players so i might have to wait on this one as well.

  13. Some of those looked interesting but what I』m really excited about is Sunless Sea which is coming to the eShop next month. I can hardly wait to loose my way, loose my mind, eat my crew, and be devoured…on the go!

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