


►今天,我將向您展示如何使用Photo Mechanic加快攝影工作流程。而且我已經與Photo Mechanic的團隊合作,將其中一項令人驚嘆的程序的許可證頒發給了一個幸運的人! (禮物已經結束)



Photo Mechanic是一種快速的媒體瀏覽器,可幫助您查看,組織,管理和導出數字照片和視頻。
放下相機的那一刻,您的後處理工作流程開始。世界上最有生產力的攝影師使用Photo Mechanic,它的功能可以使照片管理變得更快,更容易。它使您可以快速從存儲卡中提取/導入照片,並選擇收藏夾而無需等待。
這是我的每個攝影工作流程的一部分,老實說,沒有它我無法想像! 。

  1. Thank you for putting this together. I've been using this exact method for over a year and it works amazing. However, ever since I upgrade OSX to Catalina, the drag and drop of photos from Photo Mechanic to Lightroom works differently now. I initially import all my files to a USB backup drive, which is backed up via a web based backup service. Once files are culled in Photo Mechanic, I drag the pictures I want to edit into LR. Once imported into Lightroom, instead of having the source on the left hand side of the screen be the Backup drive, it now says 'Macintosh HD' and doesn't carry over the folder structure with the name, date etc. Any input you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  2. In programming variables are memory packets (containers) that hold data…numeric, text, boolean…typically defined by the programmer. I shoot raw and jpeg and use the jpegs as thumbs…I prefer to do my culling manually…even if I shoot 600-1200 images…additionally as a programmer I can write my own scripts to manage my files and the script will run faster since it does not use as much memory as a full blown software…I prefer Iridient Developer as my raw converter.

  3. Once you are done editing the photos in Lightroom would you just export the final product to a new destination folder? Or would you replace the original photo with the new edited photo in the original location that photo mechanic made? Idk if that made sense haha

  4. Hi Chris do you still use this software? I am a wedding photographer and i am looking for a software like this. Got more than 5000 photos dont know where to start. Is PM the right one for selecting the picutures and edit later in LR?

  5. Thanks for a great video, and especially explanation of the variables! It makes lots of sense, and i completely get it – when i have only one shoot on my card. Now im in the situation that i actually have 3 different shoots on my card.. How do i separate them, or like ingest them in different "rounds", so i can give them the right location and info?? Hope it makes sense?

  6. Thanks Chris for this super helpful tutorial. One question, not sure if this had been asked, why didn't you select the photos you like from photo mechanic then do an ingest to your hard drive?

  7. I used i-view which turned into expression media but it's been dropped. Was always aware of Photo Mechanic but never used it (it's very similar). In Expression Media I used to save my catalogues (contact sheet projects). Can you do this in Photo Mechanic? Thank you.

  8. Hi, I make different folders for different cameras used at a shoot. Photo Mechanic creates different contact sheets for each folder. Is there a way where it can create a contact sheet of a master folder containing files from all the cameras ( subfolders)?

  9. What if I'd already imported to LR….then wanted to try PM…how do i get them to LR once culled and work on them if they're already in there??

  10. Wow so I have a few questions for photo mechanic

    1st of, if I take a photo and it has GPS latitude and longitude, then could photo mechanic automatically lookup the locations and add them to the photos, kind of how Lightroom does but just suggests the locations instead of adding them in?

    2nd, can you set photo mechanic to automatically inport as soon as you connect up your camera?

    3rdly, could photo mechanic run in the background on start-up to check a certain folder for new photos?

    Finally, can photo mechanic add things like copyright such taken by gold master as well as automatically add keywords based on the image and location (so a beach photo would have words like sea, Sun ect)?

    Lots of questions is there any more for this?

  11. Very useful for a person who just downloaded the 30 day trial of Photo Mechanic. I do lots of events with 300-400 photos and I expect this will be a big timesaver in the culling and importing process with Lightroom CC. Thanks!

  12. I've been trying out a few applications to cull my figure skating photos, such as spins and jumps, shot at high frame rates where you get just a few with the skaters face. In Photo Mechanic, is there a way to automatically go to the next image after setting a rating or tagging? In ON1 Photo RAW you select a rating, or like an image, and it instantly goes to the next image so you can program my ShuttlePro buttons to rate/like and do it one handed, but I can't seem to find a similar feature in Photo Mechanic. It seems like something it would have, but I can't find how to turn it on.

  13. I heard about this software so wanted to look into how well it works compared to LR. Well although I know you were trying to show how good it is, all you've actually done is put me off. You think that's fast workflow? Wow, it's STAGGERINGLY slow and messy. So many extra steps for absolutely no benefit at all. Then you process in LR AFTER going through all that? I think I must be missing something!

  14. When I cull images from my contact sheet, I end up with mismatching sequence numbers, It just hurts my OCD. How can I add them to lightroom without having missing sequence numbers? Can I re-apply the name files on my "selections"?

  15. Good workflow inside this software and I thank you for that. However, my two cents, you should never trash any photo from any shoot IMHO. I always copy the folder from the card then convert all the proprietary files to DNG and archive those on an external hard drive once they're properly classified. I don't need to have all my files readily accessible on my computer however I always want to archive everything, because you never know how a client could come back to you, or sometimes you find a gem that you overlooked by browsing through your archives, etc
    Then once every file is converted to DNG and archived, I select the keepers, delete the rest from my internal drive, and start editing. This way it's really bulletproof – in fact I have two archive drives, A and B, in case one fail, but I do NOT have a RAID because if you make a mistake on one drive of any RAID it will be replicated on all the other drives.
    Anyway a good intro to this software. Seems like the best solution I've seen so far for cataloguing your files 😀

  16. Great job, I have a problem adding keywords to my video images, they dont appear at all in my PC, how should I proceed to fix this?

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