《星球大戰:最後的絕地武士》電視預告片27 HD

新鏡頭!獵鷹上的盧克和R2-D2! 。

  1. 0:17 I don't remember ever seeing this in the film? Also I honestly don't remember seeing R2D2 in the film AT ALL? – Anyone else who saw it remember him in it? I remember C3P0 in a couple of scenes but I don't remember any scenes with R2D2 AT ALL, am I just mis-remembering?! Anyone who has seen the film, please let me know, I'm curious! 🙂

  2. Since when can luke speak droid.
    Back in the day he had c3po or a translator in his xwing.
    I guess 30 years on your own in seclusion with a rosetta stone for astromech droid paid off

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