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  1. I have contracted covid from working in a nursing home . One resident was discharged from hospital saying she didn』t have it I sat and mopped her brow trying to get her to drink something no ppe on as she didn』t have it .. two days later oh dear she』s tested positive . I』m on day 7 .. day five I actually wished for death the fizzing was so shocking

  2. Dear all,I send compassion and empathy to all people around the world to be safe and good health.

    Please stay at home and follow the rules. And listen to this discourse or play daily. Please send compassion to us also.


    In Theravada Buddhism, according to post-canonical Pali commentaries, the background story for the Ratana Sutta (Rathana Suthraya) is that the town of Vesali (or Visala) was being plagued by disease, non-human beings and famine; in despair, the townspeople called upon the Buddha for aid; he had the Ven. Ananda go through town reciting this discourse leading to the dispersal of the town's woes.

  3. It really really breaks my heart. Dont need to say anthing. JUST provide enough PPE for all the frontline workers as they stand on the frontline for us.
    All the frontline workers please stay safe & healthy.
    Anothers please just stay home for them.

  4. Why Gov needs more than two.months to "understand" circumstances of covid 19 deaths? Cos it practices "herd" immunity yet. Victims and we are mere "herd" in the uk.

  5. Why are these comments from corbynista momentum thugs. As usual, they are full of rabid thickos, who have never done a days work in their lives. What a rubbish shower of vermin pontificating from their "weed filled" bubbles. Get a "normal life, and do something useful !

  6. I am Japanese and I use a translator. Japan's government currently hides the number of infected and dead. I think the world should know this.

  7. next time china will lay claim that #europe belongs to them since ancient times .. same logic china use to ignore UNCLOS about #southchinasea ruling, fabricating an imaginary 9 dash line, that china even attempt to print on global maps unnoticed by many

  8. I hate the way everyone conflates Drs and Nurses with 'The NHS'. I Love Drs and nurses and I think they are amazing. The NHS is a steaming pile of shit run by incompetence faceless bureaucrats who are responsible for millions of deaths across its lifespan. Privatise and give our amazing Drs and nurses the equipment and time off they need, like in decent civilised countries. Switzerland has it right. Privatise the NHS and just make sure we all get cover! You can pretend a Dr's time isn't a scarce resource, but it doesn't make it so, it just creates waste. Last year 250,000 people didn't show to Drs appointments and left the Dr twiddling their thumbs. That's what happens when you pretend their time is free! It's not fair on staff and it's not fair on patients. The only one who benefits is the admin staff and the state who get to act like they are somehow helping us?!?!?

  9. Ironic that Boris spent the last 5 years demonising foreign workers who ultimately saved his life. I'd like to think when this is over he'll maybe treat all key workers where ever they are from with respect. Having seen his past behaviour though I have my doubts.

  10. BORIS—-Wish him no harm but when he recovers he should remember the lies and deceit that has been his hallmark many times in his life and asks forgiveness from the people he has shown no respect to and a perfect example is his own families, cheering down NO pay rise to nurses, mobile phone incident and Jen shenanigans etc!———-Remember EXERCISE CYGNUS!!!!!

  11. It』s all lies people, your immune system is over active, and if you have a cough they say it』s covid, where are all our flu numbers? Look up Dr Shiva he spills the beans on all this. All we are doing is following Fauci and the several entities he represents. Hoping to make mandatory vaccines. Do your research, and you will find everything they have done around this is actually in violation with medicine law, look for yourself, people in critical condition need high vitamin c IV, not a ventilator that explodes their lungs, that』s not a virus, that』s not having a clue

  12. Don』t worry bbc with left wing America media is protecting China . They are spreading the Chinese agenda even during this . We have be sold out by our leaders & media all are cowards & traitors that don』t hold China accountable for this . China needs to pay trillions back wrongful death suits also . Then the world need to cut these monsters off.

  13. So he is allowed to go to a second home, yet there is uproar when Catherine Calderwood went to check on her second home. Remember these Torys were the ones cheering when they cut NHS wage rises. The way they have dealt with this crisis is shocking. Herd immunity bullshit that』s why so many have died.

  14. Currently, you're only allowed to die of covid 19.
    How about these hero NHS workers speak up and break their non-disclosure agreements.
    Not to mainstream like these puppets. It wouldn't get air time anyhow, for a reason.

  15. Boris could not handle the pressure because he is a BUMBLING IDIOT. Yes he may have had the virus but i believe the facts were exaggerated and over played by the media in order to SCAM the public into thinking he was at deaths door subsequently making us all feel sorry for him and give him the sympathy vote.Just my opinion for what it is worth.

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