

在一家中國新聞媒體發布有關該藥物研究的推文後,有關藥物的對話在2月中旬首次激增。潛在治癒方法的消息傳遍全球,三月中旬傳到美國。在線上的一系列帖子,包括區塊鏈投資者埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)和特朗普總統的推文,使這一想法受到了歡迎。特朗普在毒品網上和新聞發布會上一再捍衛希望。


事實檢查器細分了顯示人們何時以及如何開始在線談論羥氯喹和氯喹的數據-並強調了沒有具體證據的過度炒作的後果。了解更多:https://wapo.st/2RtGLQY。特價:感謝您的支持,以下是《華盛頓郵報》數字訂閱的一筆交易:一年$ 29美元,網址為http://washingtonpost.com/youtubeoffer。



  1. What's the purpose of this report? If you're on your death bed and you have an option like hydroxychloroquine, are you going to pass it up? Not everyone who gets sick with COVID-19 takes hydroxychloroquine, only the ones who are hospitalized and choose to take it do. It's just an option folks. We're trying to survive here and you're poopoo-ing on our options of survival.

  2. Rhe researcher from Baltimore hit it right on the nose. "The president is taking SO much STOCK, …". bc that's EXACTLY what he did. They ALL bought STOCK in the companies that make the drug then went out & touted it as the "miracle cure".

  3. Good Lord you people even watch this video before blinding hating on it… they are showing doctors saying that it isn』t a proven cure yet. That it isn』t the miracle cure that dumbies say it is. They are still researching it, but it is dangerous to put all our effort into to just this drug…

  4. We』re taking this drug away from people we know it works on to save their lives to try it on people we have no idea it would on or not. Bad science just to make someone look good.

  5. This is one of the most irresponsible posts I have seen in a long time. The anti-American and anti-Trump irrational bias of WaPo is well documented, and their standard tactic of deception and misrepresentation is on full display here. Just one clear example: this post claims that thoughtful media (i.e. not WaPo) turned HCQ into a "100% coronavirus cure". A credible media outlet would provide a reference for such an extreme claim. WaPo provided nothing.

    The debunking of the smears in this video by WaPo are well established, and this kind of extremist propaganda and yellow journalism should be rejected by all Americans.

  6. The drugs is known for over 70 years, billions have eaten the pill, no alarming rumors about the pill as malairia treatement before covid19, i dont understand why some doctors are against it to treat covid19, they have nothing else to offer and people are dying by the thousands so they should give it to sick patients no matter what , weird..

  7. People are not stupid you know… Look at the thumbs down. People get cured in New York. And this drug is not in demand – Government scooped 29 million doses of it and locked it up so no one has the cure

  8. Well, WaPo, that video looked a lot less like fact checking and a lot more like a mouthpiece for experts on one side of what has become a highly politicized issue. Please tell me why didn't you mention the original blinded placebo controlled study in China that showed hydroxychloroquine, while not quite a cure-all, significantly improved outcomes for the 31 patients in the therapeutic group? Why mention peer review other than to say that it takes months and that unfortunately, we don't have time for that in this fast moving pandemic and just have to do the best we can without it? Why not mention that for for older patients, those with comorbidities, or young patients who get hit really hard, the risk of death or long-term (permanent?) lung damage is quite large, certainly large enough to justify the true (as opposed to exaggerated) risks of HCQ? Why not mention the many thousands of mostly high-risk patients who have received HCQ early in the course of the disease in Italy and Spain and from quite a number of American doctors? Why not mention the much better overall outcomes for these patients compared to those who didn't receive HCQ (usually with Azithromycin and often with Zinc? Yes, admittedly, these results are so far "anectdotal" because they have not yet been published and certainly won't be peer reviewed for many months – many months of precious time we don't have for the hundreds of thousands or even millions who could die in that time frame. Why not send your best medical reporter to do some investigative journalism digging down into the practices of physicians like Dr. Zelenko in New York who has now treated many hundreds with HCQ? Vetting his results through an honest and open inquiry, when time is too short for peer review and publishing, would be an excellent service – and I mean approaching the project with an open mind, not a desire to take him down.

  9. Washington Post, and we are supposed to trust liberals like you that are known to hate OUR President? You liberal democrats in this country are too stupid to realize that hate feeds hate and it ruins you because you reach a point where you can't stop hating. The powerful libtards in this country decided that it was time to have a female president and it was supposed to be Killary, but Trump caught you off guard.

  10. The 1 who pushes it will benefit from it. The Donald Dump doesn't care for the people, but his pocket. Also notice only Fox news is backing the Dump and his goonz. Bunch of lies for special interest.

  11. The "Fact Checker" needs to check their facts and
    get it right. Hydroxychloroquine is not a CURE, it's a treatment! It is prescribed
    AFTER the doctor consults with the patient (it's not purchased over the
    counter). If I ever contract COVID-19 (god I hope not), I expect to have a
    conversation with my doctor about this drug (if no other better option is
    available) and its possible use for me.
    The Washington Post is a political news(?) organization and
    I would look at any reporting they do with a very skeptical eye.

  12. Don』t need to fact check. Your network is one of the only ones claiming anyone is claiming it as a cure, it』s already approved here, and widely used by doctors globally who are the reason we are trying this in the first place.

    Trump even said these wouldn』t be mass-prescribed. No doctor would give this to a patient they suspect it could severely harm.

  13. Dr Didier Raoult who became noted during this crisis by publishing the results of his first small test where he combined hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin as a new Covid-19 treatment has just released the results of his latest test where he has 1061 patients. The most basic result is he saw 5 deaths.

    Perhaps we should do some simple math since the "so called experts in the medical profession" still seem to me mathematically challenged.

    5 deaths out of 1061 patients is 0.47%

    As of today France has recorded 129,654 confirmed cases and 13,832 deaths.

    This is a death rate of 10.67% per confirmed case.

    Currently the same random population in France shows a death rate that is 22 times as large in the population who was not treated compared to the 1061 in this test that were treated. This incredible result is the definition of statistically significant.

    For those asking for a "control group" as some magical requirement for statistical significance in their rigid illogical and unthinking brain, I recommend they use 1061 of the 129,654 confirmed cases which has resulted in the 13,832 dead French who are available in the morgues of France. They represent a truly random group and the only significant difference in their outcome compared to this treated group is they were blocked from a treatment the Chinese and Koreans have been dispensing FOR MONTHS and have published generally positive if not "PERFECT" results.

    I personally could not care less if Dr Raoult is arrogant, or labeled a quack by other self important quacks during any previous studies. I only care about results of any useful treatment to reduce the suffering from this deadly virus. This treatment has never been called a cure for this disease, it is a treatment when used early can limit the number of people who eventually DIE. This is not a study on the latest treatment for hair loss, or skin dryness, this is an attempt to have less DEATH. Any fear mongering about a drug which has been safely prescribed for 70 years is the mindless blathering of a fool. I don't see any indication this drug came close to KILLING 10.67% of the 1061 patients who took if for the short term of this test. We would expect 10.67% of these patients would be DEAD using the average death rate from the rest of France. What is so difficult to understand between 0.47% and 10.67% DEAD.

    At this point anyone who is blocking this treatment should be removed due to there being only 2 possible reasons for their obstruction. Either they are grossly incompetent, or they are criminally blocking a viable safe treatment for financial or professional benefit.

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