《要告訴你一件事情:武漢新型冠狀病毒疫情中的希望 Tell You One Thing: Hopes in Times of Coronavirus in Wuhan》——【Ayanga字幕組】

This is a message from fans of Ayanga, creating this video that shows us the kindness and hope people have during this tumultuous time to the music of his new OST for New World. To China, Wuhan, and to all of the individuals who are fighting on the frontiers of this invisible war of the coronavirus, we dedicate this video to you. Your work is honored and appreciated by everyone, and everyone, please stay safe.
Background Music: Would Like to Tell You One Thing by Ayanga, OST of TV show New World

Translated by: Ayanga Subtitles Team
(Translator: 自語魚兒 / Editor: ALe 白二鵝 / Subtitles: 阿琪)

#coronavirus #wuhan #china #冠狀病毒 #新型冠狀病毒 #希望 #hope #Ayanga #Ayunga #AYunGa #阿雲嘎 #ayanga .

  1. I cannot express the feelings I had while listening to this song and watching the video. Thankyou all for Ayanga for putting this together. The song is so meaningful. God bless all in China. Our thoughts are with you. Please stay safe all you wonderful fans living in China and your families. And stay safe Ayanga. My love from Australia

  2. I cried when I first heard this song, although I didn't understand the words. I cried more after seeing this and understanding the words. Total strangers have huddled together and it is so heart-warming. I know China will defeat this epidemic. It has good people.

  3. 視頻剪輯得很感人。嘎嘎的歌太適配了。為不幸染病的病患祈福?,願他/她們早日康復。為奮戰在一線的醫護和工作人員祈福?, 願他/她們在治療和照顧病患時保重身體,小心防範感染。武漢加油!湖北加油!中國加油!相信疫情終將過去,病毒終將被戰勝!

  4. Trying to find the right words…not finding them…
    This fanvid provokes and offers the entire range of feelings . fear…pain..isolation.
    sadness…defiance .. struggle…. resistance ..human warmth… hope

  5. All for Ayanga,
    thank you for using GaGa's song for this message to China, Wuhan and other affected cities in this Global,
    Front Line professional personnel,
    You are the Warriors, the protectors, the healers !!
    You are the first thing that come to my mind when I wake up in the morning, and the last thing that is in my mind before I fall ssleep !Please Stay Safe, Stay Healthy
    May our merciful God bless you all ??

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