巨大的iPhone 12/12 Pro泄漏! iOS 14中較小的缺口,後置攝像頭和小部件

新的泄漏事件揭示了其中一種iPhone 12/12 Pro機型具有較小缺口的潛在新設計,新的後置攝像頭布局以及主屏幕上的小部件都將用於iOS14。此外,Apple的過耳式耳機。 AirPods X等!


訂閱! https://www.youtube.com/user/brianton …



#iphone12#iphone9 #apple。

  1. When the mini HomePod comes out. People will just complain again about something. If you complain about the HomePod now you』ll complain later

    I love leaks videos but have to admit. It』s like a vegan eating cheese. I mean Apple spends billions running their company and employees in their company spread these leaks is pretty messed up. I』m all up for using outside sources but internal is a different story where I』m not having respect

  2. That is not the peace sign at the end!! (the hand has to be turned the other way around). In the UK, it is an insulting gesture the way he does it. Just saying.

  3. remember when PowerPC processors were changed to intel,  there are rumors that Apple might ditch intel for the Mac, if I have an intel Mac and I use Xcode, will my intel Mac not be able to run Xcode if after Apple switches to ARM or AMD processors?I』m wondering because I need to get a new Mac soon.

  4. IOS is the only reason left to buy an iphone now. Apple's hardware is quite a few years behind samsung and even smaller android competitors, sad.

  5. It would be nice to know if Apple is going to release the next iPhones in September. I had heard a few rumors that they were behind schedule a few months possibly, I hope this is not the case.

  6. Damn you must be getting paid well from apple because you know damn well apple bought beats to destroy Dr. Dre their competition other than Samsung the shit sad very time a black person make something they try to destroy it Japanese Chinese German Russian brands still living

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