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    Dr.Roby Mitchell M.D. graduated with honors from Texas Tech University School of Medicine where he served as Chief Resident. He cure 1 patient by IVERMCTIN Drug.

  2. Bill gates hurry up n give ur micro chip vaccine out theres alot off ppl are dieying… pls bill gates hurry up we give up to your vaccines we get itt die or vaccine… bill gates hurry..

  3. Remember when Republicans got worked up over FOUR Americans dying in Benghazi, supposedly because of Obama administration negligence. 22,000 deaths and rising for this buffoon.

  4. Info from insider in intelligence service. The bankers are planning to crash the USD, to be replaced with digital money. At some point, they will shut down the banks for a while (refers to US and UK, not sure how far it will affect other states). And when ppl return, part of their savings and 401K will not be of the same value anymore. The banks actually do not have enough money to pay out to everyone. You know the money they are lending out is actually not the money they have. It』s a ponzi scheme.
    The banks will limit withdrawal of money. In fact it has already happened in some places. There will be huge chaos in the US. Huge Riots. They will declare state of emergency, certain laws will be implemented, laws will be changed in a short time. Congress will be suspended. Lots of ppl will go hungry if they are not prepared.

  5. Lol. A vaccine? Oh, you mean like that wonderful flu vaccine that has such a terrible record! Give me a break! Please stop all the BS! I do have to give somebody credit for this scheme though. It is effing brilliant!

  6. Everything about this Season of Fear has been embellished and over exasperated by the MSM.

    Ask yourselves this question…."Do you know anyone 'personally' that has the Covid-19 virus?" Not someone who knows someone who knows someone, but someone personally. I've asked that question to friends, family and co-workers all across the USA many of who are health care professionals working in hospitals, as EMT's, nurses, etc…..and not ONE of them knows of anyone PERSONALLY that has this thing.

    So consequently ALL I know about this virus is what MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Fox and CNN has told me. How can I believe it's this bad in the rest of the world when it's not in my own backyard (insert "never been to China" analogy here:))?

    Are we being fed a line of half-truths and misconceptions? It's like the MSM is TRYING to promote this fear and spread panic to destroy the economy and make our life in the USA total crap.

    I don't know who to believe anymore.

    「You furnish the pictures and I』ll furnish the war.」 -William Randolph Hearst

  7. Don』t tell the world there is no human to human transmission of this virus based upon lies from the CCP. I do not want one dime of my tax money to go to WHO as long as the current director is in charge . He repeated too many lies from the CCP and I want to see Taiwan as a member, I do not care what the CCP wants.

  8. what? Do you might like the flu? Quick anyone know how many have died from tuberculosis so far this year… yeah i doubt it!! Wake up folks.. and get outta those ques!!!!!!

  9. Trump sat on his tiny thumps for 2 months while the virus spread. He's the "leader" so he is the one who is responsible for dropping the ball. Dotard donald, indeed.

  10. As long as one person has this and is in the public it doesn't go away. Oh it's getting better we can all go back to work. LOL How about a good drug combo so us vunerable people can go out smiling versus a miserable death because where I am setting nothing is getting better. You can't cure the cold but you can this? ?

  11. We clearly knew this but just stay home and yes summer will slow it down any virus weakens in heat regardless if it』s season or not they why they say keep a warm house these medical helpers are either scarred or just pain out down understand things about viruses

  12. oh a vaccine….kinda funny they never had a vaccine for the common cold, why? because its a corona virus based on rna….cant make a vaccine for those, and they know this ,so im calling scam

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