
隨著世界上許多國家擴大封鎖範圍並施加更嚴格的限制,歐洲的某些地區正在(緩慢地)開始放寬某些措施。 (訂閱:https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe)



  1. Shutdown is crazy, as it just stretches out the period before we get herd immunity, which in the absence of a vaccine is the only solution. The Doc is wrong, there are too many health lobby representatives at the top already. There needs to be more representatives for the economy and civil liberties to redress the balance before economic disaster inflicts far more damage than the virus ever could.

  2. Dr – So we need to test more and follow Germany

    Cathy – So what you』re saying is women have created this virus.

    Dr – eh?

    Cathy – You』re saying, men need to realise women caused this. Thank you Doctor

  3. When you see streets being disinfected you know the people in charge are clutching at straws. Why would you waste time & money disinfecting a road ffs? Apart from the fact that no unprotected human being has been near the roads for weeks, you'd need to cough or sneeze directly onto the road surface & then another person would have to then touch the road surface, that's even allowing for whether the virus would survive on tarmac.

    The more this goes on, the more ridiculous it all seems.

  4. Too early to be easing lockdown or even think about removing it as a whole

    Also German deaths seem to be rising, and their reportings on deaths is different hence why it』s appearing low.

  5. So many people is death, only Rich, powerfull and political people did not die yet. They do not have masks, gloves, they work with others and they are fine. Interesting how is that possible. How is possible the biggest are health. they are over 50yo, 60yo +. e. g. Bill Gates is old and still fine only ordirary people finished on greaves. Hmmmm

  6. I wonder if some of the questions asked by the reader are genuine or just a test. Who in their right senses is thinking of lifting the Lockdown when we are having so many deaths currently?! How do people think? Even if the other European countries are lifting theirs, we are not in the same situation. UK is said to have suffered the worst of all European countries and people are talking of lifting Lockdown. Are you insane?! Have you ever thought of how more blessed we are to be at home than those trying to get people better in hospitals let alone those fighting for dear life. Stay at home and pray covering those 2 groups. One day everything will come to an end. We will be out like before. Just don't look at yourself and think of yourself only. Think of those fighting the diseases either on themselves or or on others. Either way, they are the true heroes.

  7. Government failure is responsible for failing to protect the people of this country from this disease they did absolutely nothing to try and prevent it or stop it from entering our country

  8. They never got a cure for sars did they? So what makes them think they will get one for covid? This virus is more aggressive and spreads easily I rekon it will come back even if it does settle

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  10. Like I feel really sorry for them but they be more stronger and its a beautiful place ever so I'm happy it's carming down like I'm from the UK I haven't been out for 5 weeks because I just want to look after my family and my sister is abit helping with the NHS so I'm very proud of her

  11. For me they do not open at least if all is fumigated and desinfected, schools,parks, supermarkets ,buses couple times aday, trains,banks, etc, this cleanse is very help to us to feel better and breath clean ,no bretah virus all over, this virus because herad carry tubreculosis virus and we have to keep distance etc, etc, its take 6 to 12 months to heal well the lungs,lung is lung also after leave hospitals peoples have to eat extra meals,no red meat,eat lot alkalines to remove virus.

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