Guns Akimbo-官方預告片

請不要錯過2月28日在澳大利亞進行的Gun​​s Akimbo特殊活動放映。現已提供有限的tix:

書獃子視頻遊戲開發者(丹尼爾·雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe))有點苛刻,刺激和令人反感的言論,太喜歡在互聯網上引起轟動。一天晚上,他犯了一個錯誤的事實,那就是在Skizm廣播中醉酒地扔掉一個炎性倒鉤,Skizm是一個非法的生死搏鬥俱樂部,向公眾直播。作為回應,渠道背後的瘋狂策劃者里克托(內德·丹尼(Ned Dennehy))決定用力邁爾斯(一隻或多隻)的手,並讓他加入「樂趣」。邁爾斯(Miles)醒來後發現重手槍扎在他的骨頭上,並得知斯基茲姆(Skizm)令人興奮的明星尼克(Samara Weaving)是他的第一個對手。

埃克斯加·賴特(Edgar Wright)的斯科特·朝聖者(Scott Pilgrim)與世界,清除(Purge)系列以及諸如真人快打(Mortal Kombat)之類的電子遊戲都令人回味無窮,這些槍支阿明博(Guns Akimbo)充滿了黑暗,惡毒的暴力色彩,而且有可能令人髮指-有預見性。導演傑森·雷·豪頓(Jason Lei Howden)(Deathgasm)預言了即將到來的未來:無人駕駛飛機捕捉的現場直播,類似於UFC的比賽推向了極端,以及用於角逐娛樂的在線流媒體平台。邁爾斯(Miles)在斯基茲姆(Skizm)的黑社會中航行時,賭注和收視率從未如此高。




  1. It's not a bad movie but if you take out all the computer generated muzzle flashes then it's just some fool standing there with a fake gun just pointing it,,,sad really that we have come to this,,adults who love action movies will not like this,,how can movies made 20-30 years ago be more realistic than this,,cgi bullet hits look terrible and ONLY proper squibs look right..I guess the snowflake actors of today are too afraid to wear squibs for an actual realistic affect

  2. If you like Crank, then you'll probably enjoy this. it's silly fun. enjoy it for what it is, while in lock down because of corona-chan 😉 7/10

  3. Its an OK movie, in this one Harry Potter angers the wrong death eater, and in turn gets two wands bolted to his hands. These wands can only cast the Avada Kedavra spell, and has to hit a critical body part to be effective and has a limited amount of mana so Harry has to use it sparingly , while being hunted by the current champion of the Goblet of Fire , who by der way can not hit the broad side of a barn with a mini gun wand (lots of collateral damage without hitting the actual intended target).

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