
該州表示,仍有13,000多人在等待測試結果。 。

  1. We all have it. My family did, too. Everyone got sick a while ago so we have a lot of immunity. But there are thousands if not millions who are waiting for the results. We might have more cases than NY.

  2. Wish we had cuomo instead the dumbass we have. He says our numbers are low but the results aren』t in yet.

  3. But Donnie said "Anybody that needs a test gets a test; they're there, they have the tests, and the tests are beautiful." Reality is just there to make Donnie look bad.

  4. Yup, 「anyone who wants a test can have a test」 Trump. Just another lie. The only way to be positive that it』s safe to go back to work is to test everyone, so we aren』t going back to work anytime soon. Enjoy your summer?

  5. Hey Grover Norquist!!! How's that theory of yours working out? Remember?……"Shrink government small enough to drown it in a bathtub? Yeah! a real winner and no chicken dinner!
    ⸸rump is the anti-virus, King Cyrus-45. He'll fix it….once everyone is dead from his SUPER GENIUS level of incompetence! Let's hear it one more time……………

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