
在本周的教育技術教程中,了解如何使用Google Classroom進行遠程教學。在本視頻中,資深教師和教育技術倡導者Sam Kary提供了有關如何確保您設置Google課堂進行遠程教學的具體提示。




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  1. What a joke. I can』t understand why there are so many positive and applauding comments about Google: Classroom. That』s the first sign this is all propaganda. Anyone who uses Google Classroom is negligent. That』s that.

  2. I wish Google Classroom will show the full date (such as Friday, April 3 instead of just 「Apr 3」). It helps students identify which days of the week the assignments are due. Hope there is an option to display the full dates. ????

  3. Hi! Thanks so much for this helpful video! Question: oftentimes, Idon』t have the option to create a copy for each student and I don』t know why… Any tips or clue?

  4. Hello, my students are saying they can not email me and they get a message to some effect saying "please contact organisation administration". I watched a vid on going to admin.google.com to change the setting but I am having a hard time with it. Is this something I can do or do I need to contact my admin? thanks Christopher

  5. Sam, thanks for the easy to follow, informative tutorials. I am sharing your tutorials with the teachers in our district as we undertake this new teaching adventure. Sure appreciate your time and effort.

  6. Great video, thanks! But what happens when there are no options next to an assignment I've created. Nothing is there: not view, edit or copy. I have tried to reuse and recreate the assignment to no avail. I understand that I will lose the option to copy when I click the blue assign button, but I lost all options. Please tell me why this happened. Thank you.

  7. How to add a file (at 7:20). You may have problems if you have 2 Gmail accounts (personal & school/work). When I made a google doc on my chromebook, I could not add that file (either assignment or announcement) on GC. Problem was that I made the Google Doc in my personal Gmail account but my GC is in my school/work account. FYI in case anyone encounters a problem with adding a file to GC. Best wishes.

  8. Thank you thank you thank you. Our schools closed due to COVID, and I had to start online teaching without in-person training or experience. I love the way you taught this lesson; very clear & concise; appropriate pace/speed; excellent way of showing us where you are on the screen at each time. I am so grateful to you. Hundreds of youtube videos out there, but many of them confused me. I honestly think that the folks at Google Classroom couldn』t explain this as well as you did. I will search for your other videos. Best wishes.

  9. Hi Sam, I am very happy to have stumbled on you channel. I pretty computer literate but had never used Google Classroom before 2 weeks ago! Now I'm going through your videos with a fine tooth comb 🙂

  10. Very thorough. I've used Google Classroom for a few years and still learned a few "tricks" for this period of Remote Learning. Thank you. =)

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