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  1. The whole world has gone nuts over this ridiculous, virus nonsense. Mass media has over-exaggerated this thing to the point where people and governments have become DUMB and unable to use basic logic and common sense how impossible and implausible this is. Absurdly portraying anyone with a common cold or seasonal flu as having a coronavirus and (possibly) dying, is what we see from the mainstream news to make you keep watching every day. Along with the fact that over millions of years, nothing like this has ever happened or proven plausible. The plague, yellow fever, etc, all were isolated to certain areas and NEVER required complete madness such as shutting down the world. The media is turning our brains to mush with the daily over-exaggerated, unfounded claims of thousands of unknown, nameless people dying and daily pictures of people in ridiculous laboratory suits with huge gloves and masks to scare you and keep you watching like zombies. All while making millions in profits, which makes them create an even more ridiculous report the next day to scare you even more.

    We have become " stupid", putting all of our beliefs in money-grubbing sensationalized media, Hollywood-like scenarios, and governments who blindly follow this stuff and take away your human freedoms. We are living in a world prison hellhole now because of a virus that is no more dangerous to the body (and even the lungs) than the normal flu.

  2. They know how to handle COVID19, but proudly prove to irresponsibly ignore their ongoing and increasing homeless and addiction problems. Pathetic.

  3. San Francisco remember's the Aid epidemic, and in Cailfornia people take care of their health, excise and eat healthy, you dont see that many over weight people.

  4. 70% of the total population are projected to getting infected with Covid 19 according to Dr Lipsitch of Harvard University…San Francisco can hide, but not forever, eventually the virus will get us all and it will continually mutate forever, the Resident Evil Lifestyle has just begun.

  5. What about all the nurses and doctors that have done interviews and told everyone how were being lied too about this and there hospitals arent to full capacity like they are trying to use scare tactics to have everyone panicking. This is no different then other viruses. Except with this virus they are saying every person that has died has died due to the COVID19. Come on not every day is all the deaths do to the virus. Heart attacks, strokes and the list goes on and on

  6. I wish my city was taking it seriously – our government acted rather quickly and definitively, but the people here are morons who refuse to stay home and not gather with others and so our numbers continue to grow. I guess you really can't save someone from themselves -_-

  7. Nobody pays attention to the media anymore. They are obsolete. They have made this all worse by spreading hate and panic. At best they are good for a few laughs.

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