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  1. You know that you live in a sick and perverted society when it's not uncommon to observe some mask-wearing fool adjusting this compulsory form of "protection" in order to expose and free his mouth so that he can get down to the business of destroying another box of "Ding Dongs", take a swig of his Jack D, savor another drag of his joint and Marlboro.

  2. The whole world has gone nuts over this ridiculous, virus nonsense. Mass media has over-exaggerated this thing to the point where people and governments have become "DUMB" and unable to use basic logic and common sense how impossible and implausible this is. Absurdly portraying anyone with a common cold or seasonal flu as having a coronavirus and (possibly) dying, is what we see from the mainstream news to make you keep watching like zombies every day. Along with the fact that over millions of years, nothing like this has ever happened or proven plausible. The plague, yellow fever, etc, all were isolated to certain areas and NEVER required complete madness such as shutting down the world. The media is turning our brains to mush with the daily over-exaggerated, unfounded claims of thousands of unknown, nameless people dying and daily pictures of people in ridiculous laboratory suits with huge gloves and masks to scare you and keep you watching like zombies. All while making millions in profits, which makes them create an even more ridiculous report the next day to scare you even more.

    We have become " stupid", putting all of our beliefs in money-grubbing sensationalized media, Hollywood-like scenarios, and governments who blindly follow this stuff and take away your human freedoms. We are living in a world prison hellhole now because of a virus that is no more harmful to the body (and even the lungs) than the normal flu.

  3. Stupid sheeple…freaking out over a disease that will be when it's all said and done between .1 and .3 % death rate just like flu! And for that we lose our entire world economy. Silly wabbits…. brains are for kids! Don't fall for the media death panic. Let this run it's course with basic hygiene and less events.

  4. More lies from the leftists who love the virus no one died in my town only here about New York and big cities that some died from the flu and told it was covid-19 the flu killed 59,000 people in the usa last year alone

  5. We can supply products such as masks, protect clothes, disinfectant, mask machines, forehead thermometer, etc., Shelly Ph: 86-13671843635, 3342931149@qq.com Skype: linnaniu1

  6. All the reporters and doctors from China that tried to warn other countries about the virus have randomly」DISAPPEARED」. Let』s pray for the brave Chinese citizens who risked their lives to let the world know. ??#justice

  7. Lord…watch over every individual in the world, animals and the future of entire globe
    We all need you Lord,
    Help us to recover and find solutions for many do not have,
    We ask all these request in Jesus name,

  8. Due to dependency on allopathic medicines , We forget our ancient and home remedies. Drink hot water or tea with salt on regular interval of 2-3 hours with garlic .

  9. Maybe this is an opportunity for self reflection. Next time you invade a poor country, this is what they have to endure. Too bad you don't experience the bombings and blood that goes with it.

  10. The Blaming Game Begins Now:
    Is this:
    1.Natural Disaster
    2. Global Trade War
    3. Invisible Aliens
    4. Herd Thinning
    5. Bio-Weapon Attack
    6. Lunatics Running the Political Areans
    7. False Flag
    8. Red Herring(s)
    9. Scientific Experiment
    10. Vaccine Opportunitie$
    11. Illuminati Group of Investors
    12. MuskZuckerbergBezoGates..
    13. Other

  11. Why don't they get Stormy Daniels to touch Trump again because you know she did maybe she can wake him up out of this deep sleep he's in he said I ain't going to wear no mask Mike Pence you can do what you want to do I'm not going to take that medication Mike Pence you can do what you want to do???????????????? it's amazing how 2016 was now we're all ……?

  12. Staying inside n all that is great, just need a ban on charging money for any services whatsoever or goods and then no problem. It would be pretty stupid to shut down tons of businesses and prevent people from working and earning money they use to pay for things without first making it illegal to charge those people for anything.

  13. Just had to use the word disaster huh? Don』t get me wrong this is bad but using inciting words like this will only raise panic in the public making it harder on us.

  14. Who are you to think you can order me an American National to do anyting you're not even a legal politician your creek you're violating my rights under the Constitution it's take that to a constitutional Court weed the people are in charge you the government take your orders from us not the other way around

  15. The Don insults people by the millions daily. Lot of info in that meandering post that people can check out and learn. Not trying to reach people like you.
    Did I mention that leading world respected MD/Scientists call Trump a "FIASCO", " International Embarrassment" . and his COVID-19 repsonce, "delayed and blunders"….
    You'lll remember his HOAXES AND HUNCHES two weeks with your level of interest and intellect.
    Just a couple weeks ago all that wanted to could go to church Easter Sunday…..Not a statement in alignment with medical professionals. COVID-19 not even going to peak for couple more weeks.
    But there I go, meandering and sounding like I'm 12.

  16. The pandemic could be slowed down much more in the US if some of the undisciplined people in large urban cities would stay home and stop running around spreading the virus to others. They are not wearing masks, not respecting 6 feet space between people, and generally doing the opposite from what the government recommends. They thus become killers but don't care.

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