SPRING Nintendo Switch eShop促銷在這裡!

在Switch News中,有許多新的Nintendo Switch遊戲正在出售中,因為Zach在此Switch銷售視頻中翻遍了他最好的Switch eshop銷售和任天堂交易清單,以幫助您選擇最便宜的Switch遊戲,讓您在居家的同時保持娛樂!您會抓住一切機會處理所有正在發生的事情嗎?


嘗試Twitch Prime-https://amzn.to/3bt4W9C


?Switch Force商業商店:

  1. I want to get Good Job, but really want to wait for a sale. That got me thinking, the small games that Nintendo publish never really go on sale. That should really change. Snipperclips is one of my favorite Switch games, but it never gets talked about. If Nintendo just put it $5 off, more people would be talking about it now.

  2. Funny that the ad/trailer you showed in the opening depicted a man detaching his joycons while on a plane, however you're supposed to put all devices on airplane mode which means no wireless joycon functionality lol

  3. I like the Zach Karaoke style. There needs to be a Zach Karaoke night!

    Anyway, I wouldn't mind hearing a list of Switch games to avoid video. That would be interesting.

  4. Amazon has never protected their workers and now isn't protecting them with proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the CoViD19 pandemic. Don't purchase anything from them. Sad you keep plugging Amazon in your "eShop" sales videos, Switchforce.

  5. Harry Potter Collection is on sale for $20. Was $50. It』s a light-hearted good time. It』s actually pretty amusing. Must have for fans of the movie and certainly a steal at $20.

  6. My kids just got a switch from their aunt and uncle right before quarantine and we』re looking for good games. I wanna get Shinobi arcade! Any good recommendations are always welcome!

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