
總理賈斯汀·特魯多(Justin Trudeau)周六在下議院發表講話,政府通過了工資補貼法案,以幫助減輕新型冠狀病毒的經濟影響。






#CoronavirusOutbreak #GlobalNews#COVID-19Outbreak。

  1. Why is Justin Trudeau allowing inmates to be released but threatening Canadians with jail time? And his fans gleefully clap for this dictator. Quarantine the travellers and keep the criminals locked up. Shame on everybody who voted for this fraud.

  2. Trudeau is the worst leader in Canadian history we Canadians want Trudeau and his liberals out of government now now NOW Trudeau is the problem he caused this by not acting Trudeau is the worst leader in Canadian history


  4. What about those people who are still working but their hours were reduced drastically? They are risking their lives and not getting anything while you are paying those people who are sitting safely inside their homes? I mean, where is the logic?

  5. There are lot of comments complaining about the government's inadequate handling of the situation. I'd like to just say the situation is unprecedented and the hard work behind developing appropriate measures are an arduous process of listening and trial and error. Of course they can't answer all questions immediately. Would you want our government to give out lies when they don't know the answers yet?

    Nevertheless, I've never seen such government proceedings before, but having done so now, it gives me confidence that they are capable, cooperative and thinking critically about what to do now, in the interim and the future. Kudos. I am thankful for our civil servant's hard work.

  6. Trudeau failed this country. Pierre Poilievre (The conservative finance minister) has stated that Trudeau let 2000 people (non-Canadians) in from Huibei province with 0 screening; AFTER january 26th, while being briefed by the military against doing so.

  7. Simply don't trust the Liberals and still ask why they were re-elected?? Their mantra is to never give straight answers to point blank questions and be deceptive about everything and constantly bowing to the UN and working on changing the Canadian ideal for personal gain!! What a careless and corrupt government that should never have been!!

  8. It seems like hard times now, but we been through way worse. I made a covid19 survival guide here for all you who feel helpless about it
    God bless everybody.

  9. For someone who is so worried about the virus, Freeland is sitting right next to Justin. Justin knew way before the virus that it was going to happen. Its all about Gates making millions and all the slush money they all dip into. Justin protects China every chance he gets and he knows damn well where it came from and why.. Check out ID2020. There is a whole lot of crime going on in Canada and people will be shocked. Wait to you find out what they found in Canada that event the main stream media is hiding. Things like earth quakes that are actually tunnels being blow up right UNDER Canada. Yep, and Justin knows all about it and MEDIA. All of our media is involved in the biggest cover up in Canada History. Gcogle pics of Justin and Gates, the one who is involved in ID2020 and see how close they both are.
    Justin's spying on us and has for a long time. They are claiming it has to do with the virus. That is a total lie. Justin knows he has committed crimes and is will be brought to trial. Nope the media is silent. They know all about it. They can hide it from the public but it will all come out and every last person should be charge to the fullest. Media and all. Canada needs to be free of the money stealing, corrupt media. When all of Canada knows the truth. PEOPLE ARE GOING TO FORCE OUR GOVERNMENT to stop funding all these people. Oh and by the way. Freeland was brought in because she knows the charges he is up against and she is NOT the right person to take over our country. Looks like Justin may have to call it step aside soon, while the WHOLE truth about all our media comes out. We will all learn the truth about all the missing Canadians and what they have done to them. Its sick. Google spirit cooking. It is happening right here in Canada. People are really sick!

  10. Was hoping I learned something by reading the comments but found more people complaining about things that are unnecessary or government isnt giving out enough money while other first world countries are taking out 20% of your bank account of every citizen aka germany or 1000 dollar cheque to all citizens one time payment aka America or you can be happy most canadians are paid 2000 a month in the mean time until this virus is under control. Like you all complain about so little issues even if the goverment did what you ask you just want more it never ends people are pathetic just be happy we are getting something then nothing like everyone else around us is getting

  11. Why is Sophie Trudeau not volunteering at some Hospital or Long Term Care Home…She is, after all, immune….. We paid for her and her Mother-in-law (Margaret Trudeau) to Trip over to the UK, and by the way not a State sanctioned function…Where the Hell is Sophie…

  12. Im not saying CERB isn』t good but for essential workers like me who was being paid minimum wage am only getting $2 more are getting screwed. Hard. That $2 is nothing. Full time hours are 40hrs per week minus unpaid 30min = 37.5×2 (bi-weekly) only equals to 1200. For a month i make $2400 with all the taxes and everything taken off i make only a couple bucks more than CERB receivers.

  13. Lol. Lies. He sure does not want to mention the $2000.00 he gives the rich and middle class is helicopter money hey? He acts like it is his or Canada's going to go in debt. Doesn't matter anyways the rich and middle class keep herding, gloating, and praising him. What is Justin going to claim himself or Canada is giving to everyone but the poor now?

  14. This P.M and his Government are not fit to run this country. This guy clearly those not care for Canadiens. What a fake lair. I can't believe pepole voted for him you guys must be regretting this now.

  15. There isn't a magic spell protecting grocery stores…. if grocery stores can operate with people milling about and a hundred people in line outside for weeks without becoming major hot zones …..there must be a safe way, with proper protocols in place, to open smaller businesses and get more people working and save some businesses.

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