
NBC新聞醫學通訊員約翰·托雷斯博士(John Torres)和《今日周末》一起討論關於冠狀病毒大流行的最新消息,包括全國各地的進展跡象以及對冠狀病毒抗體的檢測將如何「改變遊戲規則」。»訂閱今天:http:/ /on.today.com/SubscribeToTODAY



#Coronavirus #TodayShow


  1. We are on day 3 and this testing could be from a F to a A great idea let』s find out if the whole world is back to normal reopens the stores restaurants parks

  2. "A test for coronavirus antibodies would be 「a game changer.」 Why?
    Well if the antibodies aren't being produced then you may have a new mutated form of coronavirus-19 that is similar to HIV. Yes they won't tell you that BUT they are looking for that.

  3. It a nano technology chip implants , called : brainwashed you & made you slaves ! Spy on your private daily life ! 666 technollogy towercells 5G = disease raise up

  4. 「The ultimate game changer is going to be that vaccine」 this actually disgusts me. I just ask that everyone doesn』t just listen to the media or even our government and question what the
    F!$k is going on. For example look at what the test even is for the virus right now and look into and see if it even makes total sense to you (They don』t even test for a virus). Also you can take this with your own discernment, but why are telecommunication companies rolling out thousands a certain type of new cell tower considered an essential activity during this period. The biggest thing to question and really look into yourself and not just trust everything that the majority of doctors say, is the vaccines. Please research both sides vaccine argument to a point where you can be confident with your decision. We most likely are going to hit a point where they claim it』s the only solution to for Corona virus and if they don』t force it they will heavily push for it. Please take the time at home in quarantine to ask yourself if any of this information being given to us in mainstream is weird or something isn』t quite right. Best of luck and I hope you are all looking forward with a positive and not fearful mindset. If you want more information check out The London Real with David Icke that was removed from YouTube and use your own discernment.

  5. 1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, 「He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.」 3 Surely he will save you from the fowler』s snare and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 5 You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. 9 If you say, 「The LORD is my refuge,」 and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10 no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. 13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 14 「Because he loves me,」 says the LORD, 「I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.」

  6. Seventeen years after SARS and seven years after MERS…both deadly corona viruses feared as the next pandemic…still no vaccine…along with rhinovirus and a couple others, corona viruses cause the common cold and we've been searching for a vaccine for the common cold for decades to protect the vulnerable….if a vaccine isn't likely…then what?? If grocery stores can operate with people milling about and not become hot zones, there has to be a safe way, with proper protocols in place, to open more businesses and get more people working…

  7. A doctor's office in Milford, Delaware is advertising on Facebook that they already have the antibody test and they are testing people and charging $40

  8. The most important thing to fight this virus is your own immune system, by imprisoning the whole country the govt has made sure all our immune systems are compromised, after 2 months of lockdown not even the young ppl will have a healthy immune system, in summer most of the new infections are going to be young people just wait and watch, this is why you never take advice from ppl because they have medical degrees, you take advice from ppl who exercise common sense. All the idiots posting on instagram to stay home think they are doing gods work and saving live but in reality they are compromising the entire population by spreading misinformation.

  9. There already is an antibody test. This entire video was extremely misinformitive and confusing with what little information they discussed. Not to mention pointless.

  10. ​Do you use a cell phone?
    Then you can check your own health. 
    You can do your own corona virus test, check your temperature,  call you doctor, review your sleep and anxiety, note your blood pressure and O2 concentration and many more things. 
    We just need the app.

    ​Virus detection app…
    Cost: Less than a penny per test
    Time: less than 30 seconds a test 
    Location: Can be done anywhere 
    Conformation: Remote calibration

  11. Oh yeah. A vaccine. Without a vaccine how is Bill Gates suppose to flatten that curve for population growth. And people are going to take the bait. Smh

  12. No we didn't!!! We aren't testing!! Idiots. You're models are a joke. No one is following the shelter in home. 8 states zero. The ones that are aren't fully. The VIRUS will keep spreading and spreading. CDC run by a criminal keeps changing the rules.

  13. They did a test in a small German town that was pretty affected by this virus. They thought it was about 5% infected. They tested the whole town and after about half the tests they saw that at least 2% were currently infected and 14% had antibodies to this Covid-19.. So a lot more than 5%. This was after half the tests.

    In Iceland they have tested a 10th of their population or so. They have shown that half the cases have been asymptomatic, most never knew they had it or have had it.

    In England they are in the process of doing an 800 person random selection of blood test across the nation to see how many randomly have antibodies to this Covid-19. That will bring a picture to have many have potentially had it..

    Same in Italy they are quarantining an entire village and using it to see how the sickness progress how many have had it etc etc. Like a microcosm of the macrocosm of the entire country.

    These antibody tests should be rolled out everywhere and almost be mandatory. In Germany they are planning to use these tests to give people that have had it "certificates" so they can go back to work.

    So in all likelihood what we are seeing is the tip of the Iceberg and it freaks us out cause it looks so deadly and bad. But it could be 10X more people that have had it, which means the "Severe/deadly outcome" numbers are smaller.

  14. NY. Recalls retired Dr.'s & nurses (the most vulnerable to serve on the front lines. WTF? all while laying off huge numbers of nurses & Dr.s that normally do other healthcare services like hip replacements & a multitude of other services. Real brainiacs we have in charge unless it's all part of the plan to keep death numbers high, economy shut down because Globalist were loosing the war world wide

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