美國現在的冠狀病毒死亡人數最多,超過義大利| MSNBC


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美國現在的冠狀病毒死亡人數最多,超過義大利| MSNBC。

  1. Very fake news. Waiting for this to endso that the truth will be revealed overtime instead of this propaganda being shoved in our faces minute-by-minute as the facts are twisted and spun or even released.
    Gfys MSNBC

  2. Can you prove this? To believe that China and Russia are reporting accurate statistics is totally naive. Interview the citizens of these countries and then come back and report your findings.

  3. MSNBC viewers are too stupid to figure out Italy is 5x smaller…Hey MSNBoneheadC viewers, there are no cases @ the North Pole, why don't you all move there.

  4. The only teal solution is to turn to Jesus. Heres a message from Him about Corona… March 13, 2020

    summon the people and tell them: without repenting and truthfulness in your prayer this evil will last longer than you think; turn to Me, your God and repent; a sincere and universal prayer will reach Me, your God; fasting will cast away demons; any sacrifice is acceptable to Me; cast away your lethargic spirit and renounce your evil ways, and make peace with Me, your God; let Me hear: 「Lord, have mercy on me, the sinner!」 and I will show compassion; and I will rain blessings on all of you; come, do not fear; I am listening…  ic
    God will listen if we repent and change our life from being tepid towards God, and He will be gracious to grant us peace; we will be praying for the world; ask Him to uncover His Face and shine on us; plead that He may be gracious to our supplications… we should also pray that His message of TLIG may spread quickly, and be received humbly as it was received by you; pray especially for Italy, as the TLIG messages had, as I had explained in the past, fallen on totally deaf ears and persecuted;

  5. 日本語が理解出來る世界中の皆様!
    Wang bowという中國人工作員の印象操作工作の噓や捏造が、コメント欄で全部バレバレになって逃げてる様子が、Wang bowの動畫にある香港動亂という動畫の中で明らかになっているので、是非ご覧下さい!


  6. This is the consequence of those Americans who voted in the president who promised to make America first, now USA is first on top of the list of dead and infected.

  7. Who knew, Italy has the highest Elderly population, and has a lower population than the U.S. Wait a minute… Something seems off… I can』t figure out quite why we have the higher deaths, and that the flu has already killed 25,000 people…

  8. I am South Korean. What I do know is that even before President Trump made a call to ask our President for help, the South Korean government wanted to send test kits and medical equipment to help America, but FDA did not authorize it. America's worst pandemic situation could be controlled like South Korea.

  9. MSNBC – May Skew News Benefiting China. Give the counts some content, you are destroying what』s left of the public』s trust in your organization.

  10. Havent you people heard its been renamed
    The CCP VIRUS cuz of chinas failure to protect
    Its own people and the worlds CCP VIRUS BRUHH
    its your families that are payin the price
    Let this failure echo across eternity….
    Also do not let anger take hold of your heart
    Let us learn ffrom this amen….
    Oh yea christians keep prayin for all humanity he hears u whatsoever u ask to be blessed and sanctified
    Will be….
    Ask and u shall receive amen…..
    All praise and glory to your father amen & amen

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