如何使用Google Meet-詳細教程

本視頻教程將向您展示如何使用Google Hangouts Meet。學習通過文本視頻會議,屏幕共享和聊天在Google Meet中進行交流。在所有設備上使用Google Hangouts Meeting輕鬆交流學習或業務。立即開始使用Google Meet!

Google Meet中的虛擬背景:https://youtu.be/Di6OkWySM_8
阻止學生在Google Meet中儘早加入和重新加入:https://youtu.be/4K6HeLVQUy8
在Google Meet中一次查看所有參與者:https://youtu.be/6fJXvuOa9kk



申請代碼後,Camtasia EDU優惠10%:「 https://techsmith.z6rjha.net/c/1264585/704928/5161

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  1. I'd love to know if there is the possibility of muting all members without letting them unmute themselves. I work with children and it is impossible to teach with their mics on.

  2. Are headsets required? I am using my phone and I don't have a headset so I was wondering if my phones speaker will allow me to talk and listen to my group

  3. I recorded a video this morning with the CC on and it did a pretty good job with the words in print. I saved the video to my drive and then uploaded the recording to my Google Classroom. When I replayed the video the CC were not part of the recording and I couldn't figure out how to get them to play. Suggestions?

  4. Why i cant join the meeting? I already request to join but it timed out and it does not appear in my lecterur screen to accept.

  5. How do you stop strangers from constantly asking you to join the meet? Is there a way in you can lock the room when you have all the wanted participants connected? Thanks

  6. I would like to manually admit a student. Is there a way to click a button when a student wants to join. Not invite through email, more once they join…Click to accept them into the meeting?

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