PS5 DualSense對PS5的評價-下一代控制台手錶

歡迎回到「下一代控制台監視2020」,我們在其中分解了所有PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X新聞和謠言。本周,我們來看看PS5的新控制器DualSense。我們將看到它如何堆疊到Series X控制器上,以及它對PS5的說明。我們還從上周的問題中獲得了民意調查結果,該問題是您最激動地從哪個新Xbox遊戲工作室觀看遊戲,本周又有一個新民意調查:您最著迷於哪個下一代控制器功能?在此之後,請務必先轉到ign dot com的首頁,然後投票!


  1. UPDATE: We mistakingly used an image of the Xbox One controller when comparing the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X controllers. We apologize for this and are working to correct the error. – Producer Brian

  2. Lowkey the xbox series x looks like the xbox one power brick just bigger in my opinion and the ps5 controller looks like it straight out of detroit become human.PS5 FOR DAYS

  3. Because we are playing a 3D game, are moving our character in a 3D environment, it make sense to move the analog stick to the primary spot. Therefore, we have Xbox and Switch Pro controllers.
    The symmetric design is Sony's icon, making sense or not, they will never want to adapt.

  4. Ok Ryan, you didn』t have to make it about race, I found your statement 「history repeating itself」 problematic. Think about it then get back to me

  5. I just wish thay would put a y axis inversion button on the controller so you don't have to go though the menu to change it. Its very annoying if your sharing a controller with your mates who use is the wrong way lol

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