冠狀病毒:隔離措施何時終止? | 7新聞





  1. No-one literally knows how to deal with this! These are just subjective ideas and opinions with no grounds in which to substantiate anything at this stage!!!!

    Stop stopping the lock down, keep it in place and wait for the bloody vaccine!!!!!!!!

    If it works then lift the restrictions!

    China is going through wave two already because they loosened their lock down!!!!!

    WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!

  2. Recipe to control the Masses
    1.First create a world encompassing threat.
    2. spread Fear and visual Evidence of the threat/disaster.
    3.Enforce repercussions via new legislation.
    4.Enforce Fear with penalties and remove freedom and choice.
    5. create the solution and sell it for Profit.

    Outcome the people will welcome the solution with open arms.

    The level of corruption and betrayal against Humanity in this case in unprecedented.
    Look up Club of Rome*
    Look up Georgia Guide stones*
    Look up Agenda 21*

    Wake up.

  3. Another thing I am thinking. How many babies are going to be born in 6/7 months time with social distancing. If you get court by the police. Ask them if they are going to have sex with their partners. Then getting a fine for breaking the LAW. Just wondering.

  4. Is very scary making this question or writing so many times that the situation is looking better. Australians won't get it in the right way, all they will understand is the situation is back to normal ad they will go out as normal again.
    Some people might show no symptoms and they go out as normal and spread it everywhere. Even the exercise thing is out of hand. Do exercise downstairs you home is maybe ok, but run all over the city or make few km with your bike together with kids, is not.
    I wish there was some police in Taylor square/Surry Hills sometimes, here you can spot 20/30 people at any time and everyone is on someone else way, they don't move or keep distance ?

  5. We』re not under quarantine we are under house arrest. There』s no scientific proof that this is a pandemic and what makes matters worse the Coronavirus test doesn』t have the gold rubber stamp like every other test must have to prove you have that specific illness that there testing for.

  6. If you are sick stay at home i am sick every day because of the crap the media come up about the virus and these new rules of how you should live. It's all over board

  7. The public has been played as dumb & dumber,

    soon they wake from their fear driven slumber,

    they will soon realise they have been taken for a ride

    as they watch their savings take a one way slide.

    Buckle up scaredy cats, negative interest rates and housing price crashes are on the way.

  8. Even if Australia goes 100% virus free. The rest of the world won't be. So you need to continue to shutdown the international traffic and keep measures in place until a vaccine is created. It ain't going away anytime soon.

  9. It's predicted that it will take 18 months to make a vaccine. It sounds long, but if we do succeed, this vaccine will be the fastest made vaccine. The hard part will probably be deploying the vaccine globally. When the vaccine is finished, pray it doesn't get destroyed.

  10. A FULL LOCK DOWN has caused endless deaths both in Europe and in America- does not seem that its as easy as turning it off and back on for couple of weeks as they think.

  11. I dont think our numbers will reach those of other countries. I truly believe Australia is fortunate in the fact that its an open country and isnt crammed like the rest of the world. Doesnt mean we should start easing off but we shouldn't panic thinking if we did at some point start easing off sooner than people think we should we'd end up like U.S or Italy.

  12. the test is not and can not confirm and be conclusive that virus they have coined COVID19 is present. Virus's aren't even ALIVE. Bacteria in the other hand is alive.

  13. It』s actually dropping at a significant rate so therefore these measures are fine. When we decide to have more stricter dystopian measures, we』re seriously hindering our human rights.

    We can』t even go out for a drive alone in an isolated car to get some fresh air outside without being fined. If you ask me, that』s a violation of the UN treaty of human movement.

    We know what we』re doing now is effective, we should continue doing it.

  14. Trump sourced 29,000,000 doses of hydroxychloroquine for his people! Hunt has sourced 2000. Slight difference….

  15. Isaiah 31:4 「 This is what Yahweh – God Said …Deuteronomy 30 : 19 「 I call heaven and earth to witnesses against You this day , that I have set before you life and death , blessings and curse . Therefore choose life , that you and your descendants may live ; that you may love the Lord your God……..For He Is your life and the length of your days…….」Joshua 32 : 3 「 At last , eyes that are ready to see will finally be opened ! Ears that are ready to hear will finally be opened ! 「 Isaiah 32 : 8 「 A person of honour has honourable plans , and his integrity gives him security 「 Isaiah 32: 15 「 The desolation will not end until the Spirit is poured out upon us from heaven ! Then the wilderness will blossom into a fruitful orchard and the trees of the orchard will grow into a forest.」Isaiah 33:6 God our Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour 「 He will be your constant source of stability in changing times , and out of his abundant Love He gives you the riches of salvation, wisdom and knowledge.」 Isaiah 33:10 「 Now I Will Arise 「 says The Lord 「 Now I Will Exalt MySelf ; Now I Will Unveil My Majesty ! 「 Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour He Is Alive He Is Our Healer just pray , Praise believe and receive by faith with Praise and Thanksgiving glorifying God Father Son Holy Spirit Hallelujah Amen ?❤️???????❤️?????

  16. 7:36 Or the thermometer can be put on your head after being put on someone's head that has it.
    They need to be using them no touch ones!

  17. Are these the same Chinese test kits that were returned by Italy because of the high (35%) false negative result? And this doctor cannot be believed because he is referring to false and faked information coming out of China. So he is either deliberately engaging in misinformation or else he is dangerously misinformed.

  18. Building sites distancing will possible it』s just that work will be slow . Hopefully they don』t shut the construction sites…

  19. It needs to continue for at least after the flu season. Who knows what it could mutate into if we don't. The flu could become an even worse epidemic.

  20. A comprehensive lockdown is necessary in Australia. If Australia decides to break under the pressure and go against a full lockdown, the numbers will definitely increase. Compare it to nations like NZ and South Korea.

  21. In the old days, we had vaccination cards … anyone remember them?
    Rapid testing … excellent idea …

    Every single one of us in Australia, on the planet even,, should be tested. Maybe develop an authorised healthcare system app on our phones and t

  22. Look at Taiwan every person is wearing a face mask when they are out side.
    Its to protect you from other people when you are out of your home and when you are at work and to stop it spreading in the air around you or on surfaces when someone coughs or sneeze or even talk breathes near you .

    But our goverment say it not a good idea.
    And this bullshit will keep going till there is a vaccine or a cure for this virus.
    Because it only takes one person who has no symptoms or signs of the virus walking around in the community to keep spreading it .

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