

在我們的網站上免費觀看完整的David Icke劇集,網址為:https://londonreal.tv/the-truth-behind-the-coronavirus-pandemic-covid-19-lockdown-the-economic-crash-david-icke/



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  1. Dear David Icke and Brian Rose, thank you very much for the excellent content upon this topic you have provided! (namely, your censored video, The Coronavirus Conspiracy: How COVID-19 Will Seize Your Rights & Destroy Our Economy)

    Dear people, for those of you who perhaps find 「conspiracy theories」 difficult to accept, believe, self-substantiate, etc., please consider this plain sense, objective criticism of the present 「Covid-19 Pandemic」. My argument shall consider the MORTALITY RATE and sneaky Federal Government legislation regarding MONEY.

    To begin, I am not very technologically literate (in fact, I am a bit of a luddite), so I shall not write about 5G internet technology, but I shall stick to clear facts that are meaningful to myself.

    If you conduct a simple search of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) annual 「Causes of Death」 online publications, you will find a glaring discrepancy between:
    1. the past magnitude of deaths caused by INFLUENZA and PNEUMONIA and the fact that NO 「social distancing」 measures, or indeed any other public restrictions, were ever implemented, and
    2. the present nominal Covid-19 (influenza and pneumonia) causes of death (in Australia, 2020) and the fact that extreme public measures have been implemented.
    Thus, on 25 January 2020, Covid-19 arrived in Australia. Since then sixty-one (61) people have died 「after testing positive」. As such, approximately twenty (20) people die each month in connection with Covid-19.

    HOWEVER, the following table illuminates a very obvious objective discrepancy between points 1. and 2., above:
    Influenza and pneumonia – Australian deaths (source ABS)
    YEAR NUMBER RANK (compared with and/or contrast against other death causes)
    2002 3,084 10
    2003 3,566 8
    2004 3,381 9
    2005 3,034 9
    2006 2,711 12
    2007 2,634 13
    2008 1,760 17
    2009 1,790 17
    2010 2,373 15
    2011 2,487 13
    2012 2,719 13
    2013 2,497 15
    2014 2,873 12
    2015 3,042 12
    2016 3,334 11
    2017 4,269 9
    2018 3,102 12

    Put simply, with regard to 2018, alone, approximately two hundred and fifty-eight (258) people died EVERY MONTH from influenza and pneumonia – yet, NO public health restrictions were ever implemented. The Covid-19 「pandemic」 monumentally pales against such numbers.

    Indeed, every year in Australia, the leading cause of death is Ischaemic heart disease, which significantly outstrips other causes of death, but which NEVER attracts public health restrictions (e.g. what manufacturers can and cannot put in our food, etc.). Furthermore, WHILST PUBLIC FEARFUL ATTENTION IS FOCUSSED ON THE Covid-19 「crisis」 (despite far more serious health problems facing Australia), significantly disturbing legislation IS being presently drafted and enacted, sneakily and hastily and without opposition.

    Many Australian institutions are presently refusing CASH transactions: the official narrative states that 「physical cash can transmit Covid-19.」 Stated plainly, what nonsense!

    Of all the contagious and/or infectious diseases circulating annually throughout Australian society, CASH has never been denounced as a disease vector (carrier). For example, according to Hepatitis Australia, as at 2018, 226,612 people suffer from chronic VIRAL Hepatitis B; Hepatitis B is transmissible by physical contact, yet cash has never been restricted consequently.

    So, why is cash being banned, phased out, or refused as legal tender? Consider the three following, connected points:
    1. Negative Interest Rates, then,
    2. Abolition of Cash, and
    3. Bank 「Bail Ins」.
    There are many detailed videos available about these topics, and their PRESENT relevance, but at least think about it this way:
    • From the end of April 2020, the Australian Government shall be significantly supplementing UNEMPLOYMENT payments (e.g. Newstart), amongst other payments (a package greater than three hundred [300] billion dollars),
    • Physical cash is being progressively restricted, and probably shall never recover (because, as the official story shall likely go, 「we would never want Covid-19 to come back!」),

    Thus, people shall have more digitised money in their accounts than ever before, yet cash shall be dying out. In recent history, protests and riots occurred in Greece due to governmental 「austerity measures」 and the prospect of bank 「bail ins」 – indeed, people swarmed upon the banks to draw out their CASH, so that it could not be digitally stolen to pay off bank debt to the their federal reserve.

    But, what happens if there is NO physical currency to withdraw on the eve of a bank 「bail in」?!

    For a reasonable answer, consider the present Australian Senate sitting postponement: only the Cabinet – the Prime Minister (Legislature) and each State Premiere (Executive) – are meeting to draft, read, enact, and/or repeal legislation, WITHOUT any opposition.

    Thus, in recent times (during the Senate and public lockdown measures), some troubling legislation has been enacted by the Cabinet, legislation that progressively restricts CASH movement (on the laughable basis of combating a 「black market economy」) and legislation to enable Australian banks to conduct a BAIL IN.

    For example, The Turnbull-Morrison government sneakily rushed this legislation through Parliament on 14 February 2018, with just eight (8) senators present in the Senate chamber, and without a recorded vote. The chair of the Senate Economics Legislation Committee, which conducted an inquiry into the legislation, Senator Jane Hume, insisted to constituents that it was not a 「bail-in law」; Treasury and other agencies stated it was not the 「intention」 of the conversion and write-off provisions of the law to bail in deposits. However, the Cabinet rushed the legislation through the Senate knowing that Pauline Hanson』s One Nation senators intended to move an amendment that explicitly excluded deposits from the law, but were not in the chamber; another senator, Amanda Stoker, has since admitted it is a bail-in law. Since, Covid-19 has gained constant media cover and concern, three (3) other Parliamentary Bills have been passed UNILATERALLY (or ex parte).

    Let us hope such legislation is never amended to include customer deposit accounts as NOT exempt from bail in conversion. Read the legislation for yourself, below:
    • Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019 and its Explanatory Memorandum, and
    • Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2019, and
    • Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020.

  2. David Icke is a clever nutcase. Not because what he is saying is true, but because people are somehow believing this bullshit. 5G is no more or less harmful than other networks.

  3. Governments have planned this is in 3 steps. Spread the virus so everybody is locked up so they can fit 5g masks , make everyone go cashless society and finally realise a vacinne with something in it .

    2019 was the end of the good times .

  4. None of this is based in science at all, 5G has been implimented in my country for years and no one bats an eyelid… its a trend as soon as 5G has been implimented long enough these type of people will move on to something else it's to sell books and sell misinformation to purposely scare people. It shouldn't be censored but should be able to receive criticism.

  5. what a logical explanation other than the 5 jay could explain the contamination on board a nuclear aircraft carrier like the USS theodore Rosevelt or the charle de Gaule with more than 200 sailors each contaminate on board … they have the 5 everywhere available same for the contamination on cruise ships

  6. Who is behind it all telling every government to get on board and kill its own people how messed up to kill innocent civilians sad very sad

  7. Obviously 5G or oder wave such as microwave or Radio wave affect on not only birds, Wales , but als human bings. It is true, that we got Informationen and convert to Electronical Impuls and process in brain. But still we are far from that, how or which wave legnth or frequencies are working corrcetly as wappons of policy.

  8. More unsubstantiated garbage from Icke. Best claim in this video – the brain will pick up what is in a 5g transmission. I never knew I had a H264 codec built into my brain!

  9. covid 19 was made to controll the world and 5g is to be used in a vaccine to control ur mind with nurobots in the vaccine. DONT TAKE THE VACCINE

  10. In terms of NWO his remarkes are absolutely right. because he is belong to that side. he is just a disinformer. so don't trust his tongue too much.

  11. Everything he does is satirical. He doesn』t really believe the stuff he claims. He』s trying to show us how we』ll believe anything. If you』ll believe this you』ll believe anything.

  12. Our response to this development as masses is what seem crucial. What should we comply with and what should we not. The dangers are hovering as the elite will never care.

  13. Point People that you heard allthis info from david. Having super accurate tesis about something is either you high on some halucinatic or you were there and heard by yourself. So who told you that whole story?!

  14. Let's make a worldwide page where we will all be there talking about things we gonna do united while organise groups in every country to go and destroy those 5g towers

  15. If this is true, how will the elite go about their days without also being effected? Will they just stay in their shielded mansions ? 😉

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