DC的Stargirl |實力與英雄主義|季節預告片|連續波

僅在The CW上免費播送DC的Stargirl Tuesdays的新劇集:https://go.cwtv.com/STAgenyt

DC的Stargirl緊隨高中二年級學生Courtney Whitmore的身份,激發了一群不太可能的年輕英雄阻止過去的惡棍。這部新劇改編了DC的Stargirl和第一個超級英雄團隊,美國司法協會,這是一個無法預測的系列。

CW Network的官方YouTube頻道,收錄了熱門電視節目Riverdale,以及《黑色閃電》,《閃電俠》,《箭》,《超女》,DC的《明日傳奇》,《超自然》,《 100,王朝,黑暗》和新墨西哥州的羅斯威爾。
DC的Stargirl |實力與英雄主義|季節預告片|連續波

  1. My personal opinion: this may be the most comic-accurate live-action DC show that the CW channel has ever been made!?
    Also, the part where part Courtney snidely remarks about the Injustice Society's is very funny and also very true, pointing out why golden age comics never caught on. Well, with the obvious exception of "Batman: The Brave And The Bold."

  2. Okay looks like it could actually be interesting. I know it has ties to the people who created Arrow, Flash and all that, but I hope they keep this independent from those. If they keep a bit more focused and not too much dumb drama (she breaks up with him, then goes out with him, then breaks up with him and then comes back to the first guy type bullshit, etc…) and dumb musical episodes, super lame dialogue, etc…this could be pretty good. Action looks pretty solid.

  3. If I wanted to watch 「Sky High」 again I』d subscribe to Disney+ ??‍♂️

    I really hope HBOMax does more with the vast potential of new content and characters than this here

  4. maybe this show will have more superheroes like Damage, Cyclone, Citizen Steel, Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and maybe Kingdom Come Superman.

  5. What if this show introduces a new barry Allen? Hear me out. The original justice society die, as seen by the trailers. This includes the new Jay garrick. So maybe, we'll see Barry Allen in this show, a new version, who'll be chosen by the speed force and taken into the JSA?

  6. Looks like a more mature power rangers show…but jokes aside, it looks good, just hoping it's not full of political and gender messages along with sob speeches that no one cares about

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