這款令人毛骨悚然的面罩可讓您解鎖iPhone的人臉ID |華爾街日報

冠狀病毒大流行意味著我們必須戴口罩。這也意味著解鎖帶有Face ID的iPhone是一個挑戰。 《華爾街日報》的喬安娜·斯特恩(Joanna Stern)追蹤了一個創造面具來避開面具的女人。



#WSJ #iPhone #FaceID。

  1. To everyone saying touchID was better, it wasn』t. Anyone can unlock your phone when you』re unconscious/sleeping while FaceID won』t if your eyes are close. Also try unlocking your phone with TouchID when you』re wearing gloves as well.

  2. i wouldn't anyway buy a mass produced 3D face mask and set that mask as FaceID for my phone, as it would greatly decrease the security of the phone, with millions others buying the same 3D facemask.
    But, it is so saddening to see the innovative lady saying she wouldn't PRODUCE and sell the masks it order to appeal a politically-correct leftist media narrative that producing efficiently (= profitable) a good that is in shortage (so it's needed in the market) would somehow be immoral. 🙁 And even worse, seeing all this on WSJ.

  3. Never ever have i locked my phone.It's a waste of time. Found a I phone cutting grass one day could not open it so I could find the owner. Well it's in a land fill now.

  4. All these things are determined somehow else perhaps just like acceptence of 5G, oprator could charge and continue with 4G for coming years before something exceptional regarding radioactive waves, thereby could reduce burden of more investment while investment is done somewhere else to make some privilege for working class

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