
埃里克·索倫森(Eric Sorensen)將大流行期間加拿大的「呆在家裡」戰略與瑞典的「開放商業」戰略進行了比較。 Mike Drolet向您介紹了一些在大流行期間選擇留在國外的加拿大人。


#CoronavirusOutbreak #GlobalNews#COVID-19Outbreak。

  1. It』s an utter failure of the liberal Canadian govt.. no stopping of illegal crossings from US no isolation of travellers landing everyday no proper equipment s fir frontline workers ?
    We need a total lockdown
    Now ..in canada ??

  2. Swede here. We dont need the goverment to micromanage our way out of this, recommendations & advices are enough and most are smart enough to follow those. No need to go into panic-mode right away either, if need be theres room for more actions. A cure is going to take time. Most deaths have occured in retirement homes. But make no mistake, lots business are in big trouble. And btw for anyone paying attention to our history we always go our own way in a international crisis^^

  3. The results of a biopsy of Swedish nationals with a small population seem to be ending in a massacres. It's just the beginning of an irreversible nightmare. It's a shortcut to the decline of national power.

  4. Sweden's daily new cases peaked 6 days ago. This clearly isn't following the exponential growth pattern predicted by the propagandists.

  5. Sweden has a considerably lower death rate than the UK…. sadly in the UK the sheep live in fear and welcome the lockdown… they should make all the people who support it pay extra tax for the next 20 years teach them a lesson.

  6. Cannot trust data and statistics from Sweden because the healthcare refuses to test people even people who are at risk, maybe you can rely on the death rates but I do not think so.
    If you do not test people then you do not have the right data to base your decision on.
    Much goes into making the government look good.

    Not to mention our "expert" Dr. Anders Tegnell, here are some things he has said since January.

    "The infection will not spread outside Asia"

    "The infection will not spread to Sweden"

    "Children cannot be infected"

    "Children cannot carry the infection on"
    thinks the 「challenge」 with the Corona virus is 「really fun」

    "The risk of being infected in Sweden is non-existent – the virus is also not spread in other countries".

    The list can be made long and to say that his reputation has decreased here in Sweden is an understatement.

  7. Leave it to the country who thinks a 3 year old. Has enough body awareness to decide their gender and start taking gender reassignment medication Other words I』m not listening to anything Sweden has to say

  8. If Sweden choose natural selection, they're on the right course. Otherwise, i would suggest them to rethink between economy and ppl's death toll. Previously I support this idea as well, but realize maybe I underestimate the tenacity of this virus. Indonesia are doing the exactly same things two months ago and look where we are now (partial lockdown between province)

  9. I have a friend who lives in Sweden and he sent me a comical meme recently how swede』s wait for a bus. Before covid even? And they』re all social distancing, long before it was a thing. ? He was already telling me about how they have no lockdown. And he found it odd that we were.

  10. Sweden doesn』t do anything about Covid19 because it can』t do anything about Covid19. That is the Truth!
    The communists and liberals have emptied all inventories and stocks containing healthcare protection gears.

  11. Fear and consumption.
    Governments don't just lie to their peasants for riches Bangkok lady boys,expirirment on it's blind populations,cover it up,blame it on previous hierarchy while blatantly and arrogantly poisoning minds and bodies of citizens. Immortality,greed,alcohol,
    Pledge allegiance to CNN.

  12. Taiwan, Vietnam, S. Korea, Mongolia and other masked countries did not have to shut down their economies entirely while having much lower cases vs other lockdowned countries. What Sweden is doing would probably work if they were all masked up, did aggressive testing and isolation of positive cases while also doing aggressive contact tracing. I don't even see masked up people here so their strategy is doomed to fail.

  13. If we see a push to get rid of "dangerous/dirty" cash and replace it with a purely digital currency, we will know that this is an orchestrated power grab of unprecedented proportions.

  14. In Toronto I stand in a lineup outside the local supermarket with the wind blowing any viruses present in anyone in the lineup all the way down the line. Reminds me of the time we were all scanned at the airport except for the hag in a bag.

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