黑暗的圖片:小希望-揭示預告片-PS4 / XB1 / PC



#TheDarkPictures #LittleHope。

  1. God, I hate horror games and yet they got my attention again with this game. Why is this studio so good in making fantastic horror games

  2. I feel like the Gameplay, Again this is just my personal opinion: Is going to be like the choices from the past will effect the survivors from the present and I think obviously theirs going to be a fake protagonist that's going to die anyway in the past as well.

  3. Regretted pre-ordering first one on Steam because of Overpriced episode and so little content, if this again followed the same pattern, i will better avoid it.

  4. This looks just like Silent Hill. Little girl wrongfully executed extracts her revenge on anyone who comes to "Little Hope". Even the burning staircase at 1:41 looks straight out of Silent Hill 2

  5. looks mediocre they need to get back up with Sony, get the decima engine back in their hands and make until dawn 2, stop with these trash multi plat endeavors

  6. This had better not be another fake out, Supermassive. Man of Medan had some good qualities, but that was not one of them. Please tell me there's some genuine supernatural horror here.

  7. What if the Curator is Death? he always appears right before you make a horrible decision just in case and he says it's inevitable to meet him again and the song in the beginning of Man Of Medan is called a conversation with Death I think which I know it's just a more metal version of O'Death from Until Dawn which is a cover of the song by Jen Titus, and if he is Death like the Grim Reaper himself than that begs the question of who is he talking to???? who are we?? are we some force like him? are we The Devil?? well the Devil could be in THIS game so perhaps not, and The Devil would be trying to get the characters to do bad things so maybe we are the butterfly affect in the flesh? or some force that is like or works for Death or the butterfly affect? but I am HYPED for this game man, I personally loved Man Of Medan and I will love this one as well

  8. Is their pandemic support? Like I can book up a multi player game over internet so me and my friends can interact and play multi player together online.? Where we all take turns and choose a character to be for each scene?

  9. Ok looks nice but give me some gameplay otherwise no buy! Oh and PLEASE don』t change the camera style, it really gives me the impression of a horror movie. Wish to hell RE2 and RE7 had Until Dawn/Man of Medan camera angles.

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