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  1. I read on the financial times that one doctor thinks that it s not that they got reinfected , he thinks that the test that we do to let one patient go home and consider him cured is too little and imprecise , doctors only make two test within 24 hours and if the result was negative in both they let the patient go , so this doctor thinks that if maybe the patients had 3/4 tests during a whole week they d test positive again , so what he says is that those patients werent cured from the first place , especially that it s only about those patients who came back after almost two weeks after they got out from the hospital…
    I see it as a relieving information as ive been panicking cuz i didnt understand what reactivation means

  2. They didn』t test positive, it』s called faulty test which said that they were negative when they were not.

    Rule of thy thumb, don』t buy test from China, home of shitty products and bat diseases

  3. Unless the world quarantines and isolates these 2 million infected people, so that they never mingle with non infected, we are royally fucked.

    This is like a transmissible autoimmune respiratory disease now with antibodies produced, along with relapse/remission phases and cycles.

  4. This coronavirus will not vanish completely until the cure is developed. The reason why we are taking care for patients is not because the virus can be removed, but because it can earn time for severe patients until the cure is developed.

  5. Over a week ago this was reported by China In Focus that here were 6 known cases of people who recovered from the CCP Virus and then got sick again. When they went to be tested, they tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. There is also a report by China In Focus a couple days ago of a mutation in the CCP Virus and that there are three (3) strains of the CCP Virus in china. Strain A, B & C. They also reported that Strain A is inside the USA and Strain B is inside Europe. Now Korea is closer to China so it could be a different strain has moved from China to Korea.

    You are wasting your time if you try to argue that I am confused or are mistaken the MERS< SARS#1 and SARS #2 for the tree strains of Coronal Viruses. I know about SARS #1 in 2002 and MERS in 2013 and SARS #2 in 2019 (AKA CCP Virus, AKA Wuhan Virus, AKA COVID-19). They clearly said MUTATION OF THE CCP VIIRUS and that is referring to the SARS #2 that broke out in China in 2019 and is currently spreading the word over. Yes, I am aware of the seriousness of their being three strains of COVID-19 as it would mean that by the time they are under control the human population will have suffered 2 to 3 times the looses it would have if there were only one strain of the CPP Virus. This could push fatalities into the 15% or more margins over the time it is ravaging the planet. Do not forget that bats and other species could also be contracting it as it originated inside animals. So more than humans are at risk.


    China In Focus also has another video about 6 patients becoming re-infected or reactivated after recovering a week before the video linked above. The CCP 50 Cent Army Trolls can save wasting their time trying to discredit the real news as it is out and people will know the truth. The CCP days are numbered. The world will turn on the CCP and the Chinese people will free themselves from the bunging CCP cult ideology that has thrown so may Chinese lives into their graves over the centuries. National Communism is a curse on the human race.

  6. The false-negatives and false-positives on the testing pretty much make it worthless. People are acting like they can take a quick test, get the negative result, and return to their "normal" lives. It's absurd. Protect yourself or get sick. Testing won't help you.

  7. 關於中國為抗疫所做的一切努力,時間最終會給出中肯的答案。中國??在多災多難中前行了5000年,從不懼怕蚊子?的嗡嗡,我們披荊斬棘,負重前行,走自己的路,嘲笑和污衊,毫不影響我們前進的步伐。反倒是有些國家,都快亡國滅種了,還在那傲慢和虛偽。

  8. First we hear from China that there's no human to Human transfer, and that was a lie! Then they say once you get it you can't get re-infected, that was a lie! The WHO needs to do the right thing and not Pander to China

  9. It's funny how there tents and gazebos are full of workers and patients… but when someone who isn't media films any tents/gazebos anywhere in the world there empty…. hmm I wonder why?.. Not… bunch of mainstream media BULLSHIT

  10. literally half the flu bouts i had in my life, i got the flu again after 2 weeks. After all this is over, we are going to drag the media in the streets for creating this panic. China must pay, and the media must pay

  11. I don』t see how the economy will reopen with this at stake. Plus the vaccine will have to guarantee that the virus will not reactivate or activate or else it would be pointless for you guys.

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