殘餘:來自灰燼-沼澤沼澤-生存模式預告片| PS4



即將推出PlayStation 4。

  1. Wait so it's just a survival mode and not more actual content? Guess I won't be playing then. Might as well make a CoD: Zombies add on if you're gonna be lazy like this.

  2. Wow the timing's perfect for me! Literally started playing 2days ago. After falling in love with it and couple hours away from platinum trophy, I Was about to search for DLC news. And now this!

    I was expecting a release date, but can't wait anyways

  3. Right on guys! Really glad to see them still working on this title.

    I』d like to see some better looking tile sets and maybe some new animations for melee.. along with new melee weapons.

    They could really go all in with this game and I』d be definitely buying DLC.

    This game has so much more potential.

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