
在《殘餘:從灰燼-柯蘇斯沼澤DLC》中,準備好面對生存模式下的新挑戰,這將使您只剩下手槍和廢品-當您與富有挑戰性的首領作戰時,在獨特的世界中尋找升級的戰利品。將於2020年4月28日登陸PC(蒸汽機),並於稍後推出Xbox One和PlayStation®4。一生能走多遠?



  1. Trailer: Introducing Survival Mode

    Me: Running and gunning while being chased by exploding plant people is survival enough. The game itself already had me in Survival Mode!

  2. I'm excited for this, but a little nervous about it taking place in the buggiest and the worst performing section of the game. I like the swamps, the aesthetic, the graphics, and the enemy variety, but man it is buggy and full of frame drops.. even on a upper mid to high end rig at ultrawide 1080.

  3. YAY! Ty for your hard work guys/gals, always had this game in the back of my mind even though it's been a few since i played it. Dlc is a must buy for me!

  4. Finally dam it !!! One of the best games I've played gets new content !!! This DLC looks nice.
    We are still waiting for new biomes nad especially Winter ones…Deep snowdrifts…Blizzard…Singing ice…Mmm glorious…???

  5. The sleeperhit of 2019 for me b/c I never had spending money to buy this last year. But, now with my proper job, I can buy this full price, AND I get my rougelike itch scratched too! Fuck. Yes. Perfect timing

  6. Why not just launch it all at once on all platforms. You made us wait 5 months at least do it right. Jokes on you i guess if you don』t release it before the end of the quarantine your gonna loose a ton of money when people go back to work and aren』t bored anymore.

  7. I've been playing video games since 90's and this one has been one of my top 3 but we need new locations to explore . I don't care if you charge another 40 bucks….

  8. Damn, y'all really gonna make us pay to play the finally finished swamp? The way you talked about it before, I thought that be some free dlc like Jared Leto's Lab. I mean, I'm still gonna buy it, but that ain't gonna stop me from being salty about it.

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