
特里西婭(Tricia)向您展示了如何扎在裸露的根樹上,並向您簡要介紹了樹木運輸過程中的高峰。 。

  1. Warning don't give them your business, you'll get ripped off. they promised on their website but they don't deliver, they don't care about their customers, they take your money and don't ship for 2 weeks nearly. then they don't make it right with their customers, run! By the way, I'm filing a complaint with their merchant account for charging people's cars and not shipping their merchandise anywhere near timely, with no intent to do so timely.

  2. I don't understand…if we are in winter and receiving snow how do I keep the roots from freezing if I heel the trees outside? I want to purchase 6 trees from your company…because I love your products…but I'm afraid I will kill the trees because we have snow outside…and my unheated garage is 15° ferignheght . How do I keep the bare root trees from freezing? Watering them in my garage will surely freeze them…as well as digging a whole outside. I'm so confused.

  3. I have an order arriving from your company on the 27th. In anticipation of the trees arriving, I dug the holes in advance fearing the ground may freeze. It did! However, the holes are dug, and I purchased bags of garden soil so I could plant the trees upon arrival so I don't have the heel them in. My instincts tell me this is OK, but I just want to make sure this unconventional method will not damage the trees?

  4. Question can you still ship in mild-late January? And do you ship bare-root trees here where I live because I live in Los Banos, California here on the San Joaquin valley in California? Please answer and thanks.

  5. Can you please explain this? It would be a lot easier your way- bundling them,but spreading out each tree,side-by-side is what the arbor day foundation instructed- as did another company,and at least 1 website.
         …Also,is it a reasonable option to plant it right away- then transplant it in a week or 2 when the permanent location has been decided? (this issue usually arises with much smaller trees than in your demo…1-2 ft tall,incl.roots.)
               Whatever the best way may be,your video is clear & direct,and detailed enough to get the job done. Thank you.

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