

  1. Thank you for the great tutorial! I have an issue that I am encountering as students are joining with already established assignments. They are not getting them, especially if I created a copy for each of them. Ive tried editing the assignments and making sure that their name is now selected, but this does not generate the files for them. Would you happen to know what to do other than having to repost the assignment just for them?

    Thank you!

  2. All these so called 'tutorials' are really not tutorials. This tutorial title was misleading. It said how to create an assignment. NO, he already had these assignments done. I need to learn how to CREATE digital, interactive assignments. Once again, another disappointing google classroom 'tutorial'. Boo.

  3. You are a super hero in my book! I watched all of your how to videos, took notes and now I feel that I can use Google Classroom like a pro. I have forwarded your website to our principal in hopes that she will make it mandatory for our teachers to learn how to use and implement Google Classroom like a pro. Thank you!!

  4. Thank-you, Eric. I am setting up Google Classroom from scratch over my spring break, and you have SAVED ME with these videos! You are an angel:-) Be safe and well.

  5. Some students say they need access to my google doc that I shared with each student in Google Classroom, yet others do not need to request access and can do the work just fine. How can I troubleshoot this problem?

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