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TIME為新聞帶來了無與倫比的洞察力,訪問權和權威性。 《時代》是一家擁有近一個世紀經驗的24/7新聞出版物,其報道影響了我們對世界的理解。訂閱每日新聞,採訪,科學,技術,政治,健康,娛樂和業務更新,以及由TIME的知名作家,製作人和編輯製作的TIME年度人物,TIME 100以及更多獨家視頻。

  1. It』s a shame Trump has to spend so much time defending his actions to bunch disrespectful reporters. Its so easy to sit there and criticize when you have never had to engage in this level of decision making. There are 1000s of variables at work each time he makes a decision and these reporters with their critical tone rip on every little detail. I wonder if any of these reporters have served their country in any capacity, or do they just thrive on creating drama and discontent.

  2. I keep waiting for Fauci to finally snap and say 「okay enough. Here』s the actual truth, not the imagined ravings of this lunatic….」

  3. These moron reporters have no idea how imbicilic they sound. They are like baying frightened hyenas prancing around a chilled lion.

  4. This is pretty sad a piece of paper with green ink on it that you can wipe your ass with it is more important than a human life????????????

  5. Members of the pathological liars coronavirus team hold a conference and propaganda rally for Trump』s re-election! Considering this is supposed to be to inform Americans about the updated coronavirus news, Trump still uses it for his lies! #RemoveTrumpNow

  6. People your being lied to about the number of people that are dying from this corona virus, Doctors re being ordered to say that people that died of other illnesses, to be said to have died from the corona virus, why? being the fear factor , so the government can more easily be controlled , for whatever reason the government deems necessary, i think their getting ready for a take over of America !! their shutting down our economy , and keeping us locked down, and God only knows what their doing to us while they are keeping this virus front page !!in the lying media !!what new restrictive laws are they passing while we are being distracted by this not so deadly virus ? !! their falsifying the number of people that died, saying they died from the virus , when they didnt !! I believe all nations are following suite , and are falsifying their records as well, How would we know their not ?, we cant be every place !! how easy would it be to say any thing, look at the lie Trump caught the media in, about a bombing, , that happened in this country, that the lying media said happened in another country !! and all the fake news when Trump was running for office in 2016 !!how they said OLD Hillbilly was ahead , when it turned out she wasnt even close, , and now , their fighting Trump against the medicine that he sys works to help people to fight off this virus !!Look behind the headlines !!thats whats really going on !!

  7. What happened to scarf – lady? Secret service getting tired of her taking down the white house curtains and tying them around her neck?

  8. I dodge politics by ALL means but I have to say, IT PAINS ME THAT THIS GUY IS OUR PRESIDENT?! THE FACE AND BOICE OF AMERICA IS THIS IMMATURE CLOWN ASS LITTLE MAN! He』s a loser, NOT intellectual at all. He speaks so in artistically that it』s funny! And it is FANTASTICALLY obvious just how I』ll-equips he is to show compassion and realistically handle a situation like this. His past words keep coming back to haunt him and he lies his way out of it. Fucking crazy!!!!

  9. Holy shit the press in the room is so mad? they are bugging. You know Trump has done something right when the press in the room goes apeshit like it never has before

  10. Trump just took a big shit all over his detractors with this entire conference lol. Like the biggest smelliest shit he』s ever taken on his critics. They are gonna go absolutely nuts after this.

  11. This is not a mistake, sometime make decision and conclusion based on the data we got, and those information was not right from the beginning, I think you have done a good job dr faucci!

  12. How about the reason why the governors claimed to have appreciated you is because you fucking bullied them that they will get nothing if they don』t appreciate your dumb ass!!!! So they had to kiss your ass to try to save as many lives as they can in their state. trump dump is a piece of shit and I am waiting on the coronvirus to do its real job and get trump!!! I said what I said!!!!

  13. I wish everyone would stop calling these corona virus briefings when all they are is Trump being a liar and a rally for his re-election. They are the biggest bore and nobody should watch them except maybe his STUPID base.

  14. So sick of the stupid questions that the press ask – and almost all of them with a accusing tone – be civil and ask questions that matter not ones that you hope will 「trip」 up the speakers. All about sensationalism instead of truth finding

  15. The states should had their own ventilators???? Oh my goodness. This is the first time we have this virus??? How the states were going to have prepare? This is at a federal level people. It has to come from the federal government.

  16. Time to clean out the septic. Start with Trump, move on to Fox.
    Trump is such an ignorant prick! I』m sick of him cutting off reporters』 questions half way through and instead of answering the premise of the question, he blows more shit out of his arse.

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