Godfall PS5-有關Bosses,World和其他內容的新信息(Godfall遊戲玩法)

Godfall PS5是PS5遊戲之一,可在我們等待PlayStation 5發行日期(PS5發行日期)時顯示PS5圖形和PS5遊戲玩法
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更多Godfall PS5遊戲玩法:
Godfall PS5遊戲-新功能第一部PlayStation 5遊戲(Godfall遊戲):https://youtu.be/-PiBsRkGAgo

Godfall PS5-首款PlayStation 5發布遊戲展示了下一代圖形並展示了Sony的戰略:https://youtu.be/A6d8314tYU4

有關PS5新聞的更多視頻(PlayStation 5新聞):
PlayStation 5極有可能在二月份發布,PS5 UI泄漏等等! (PS5新聞):https://youtu.be/QFbpv4EA1OQ

索尼跳過E3 2020和執行PlayStation 5活動,現在立即確認:https://youtu.be/jPamfsPMe48

PlayStation 5(PS5)-尚未揭示最獨特的功能,請啟動遊戲逗趣及更多功能!:https://youtu.be/HZuQsa_YLX4

索尼終於在舞台上談論PlayStation 5和控制器泄漏(PS5新聞):https://youtu.be/Qsps5uX8qhU

Godfall PS5-首款PlayStation 5發布遊戲展示了下一代圖形並展示了Sony的戰略:https://youtu.be/A6d8314tYU4

PlayStation 5(PS5)-索尼從Xbox Series X獲勝的秘密但顯而易見的策略:https://youtu.be/7gmXcMSqfRQ

PlayStation 5已經是必須購買的-我們可以在發布(PS 5)前後期待的驚人PS5遊戲:https://youtu.be/9aqWw5RQkwY

PlayStation 5-索尼展示了發布窗口,控制器信息及更多內容! (PS5發布日期-PS 5):https://youtu.be/x9DC3y3pxA4

索尼暗示PlayStation 5的價格,《我們的最後一刻》 2可能不在2019年,還有更多新聞(PS5新聞):https://youtu.be/WrIgT8-tCA8

PlayStation 5的詳細信息-無載入時間,向後兼容,PS5圖形及更多內容(PS5新聞):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EHluuSRI6g


  1. You really want to know something? You got 3 different characters with different powers. Gee. That reminds me of Destiny. Hunter and a Warlock, a Titan. Plus it also reminds me of Anthem. Another disappointment game. Theses Youtubers hype Anthem up and it was supposed to replace Destiny 2 and look what happened. I saw the trailer for Anthem and I was like this game is going to be great. So I spent $80 on a failed game that didn't meet my expectation. Now Anthem is going for $8. How really sad ?. I think that Godfall is going to be just like Anthem. Another failed game. People rushed Anthem and didn't put enough time into that game. Only one story and that was it. If they brought Anthem back and put their time into that game and put all the stuff in the game that was supposed to be, add more stories to the game than the game would be a lot better.

  2. Glad it's confirmed that the character and world design is based off the Stormlight Archive. Literally the first thing that came to mind when I saw the trailer was shardplate and shardblades.

  3. The stormlight archives are AMAZING. Brandon Sanderson is by far the best fantasy writer on the planet so to say that godfall borrows from that has me all in

  4. Long time viewer, just recently subscribed, but man i remember when your channel started off with horizon zero dawn, cant wait for the sequel, awesome videos as always, keep it up

  5. Still not knowing full gameplay but by looking at what we do know there doesn't seem to be a lock on. Unless I'm wrong but I'm hopeful that there will be at the very least bosses or pvp.

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