

MSNBC提供重大新聞,對政治頭條的深入分析以及評論和見多識廣的觀點。在Rachel Maddow表演,《早晨的喬》,《每日見面會》,與Ari Melber的節拍,《 Deadline:White House with Nicolle Wallace》,《 Hardball》,《 All In,Last Word》,《 11th Hour》等影片中查找視頻片段和片段。



  1. Dr. Fauci HAD to walk back his words, but he knows that many of us KKNOW the truth … he is right and Trump is wrong.

  2. Dear Dr. Fauci; Would you please ask PPE product development engineers to analyze and respond to this request for product development? I』ve managed to adapt a Honeywell NS76008A Respirator to provide HEPA filtering of both air inflow and breath exhaust. This was accomplished by adding a N95 HEPA filter on its exhaust valve by using Weld On #3 acrylic solvent to fuse the NS80867 exhaust valve guard to a NS750035 Piggyback Adapter that was drilled and drum sanded to the 1 9/16」 OD of the valve guard. The NS750015 Filter Holder was drilled to a 2」 inside diameter to relieve back pressure on the NS7506N95 HEPA N95 Pre-filter. Although the acrylic weld should be durable, I request that your companies ensure the public safely by manufacturing a single piece adaptor with a screw on filter retainer to more effectively replicate a filter cartridge with reverse flow that would screw onto the exhaust valve seat of your respirators. I would also suggest adding an 1/8」 barbed hose bib through the face shield to allow for oxygen therapy. Please respond with any decision regarding this request for a new product NIOSH certification.

  3. Fauci is such a lovely guy. But he has gone down in my estimation bowing down to Trump! Stand by the courage of your convictions Fauci. Don't let him bully you!

  4. I want to know if any medical doctors are doing the Koch's Postulate procedures on people who have been testing positive for the so called COVID-19. And if NOT. WHY?

  5. Admire this good doctor…walking a tightrope while propping up a very volatile Orange time bomb. Bet he's flirted with the idea of quitting everytime he's made to stand for hours on end while listening to a whole lot of ….!!!

  6. MSNBC – So first the Blonde from the CDC sold out our lives 2 months ago for Trump and now Dr. Fauci is doing the same thing as more of us die everyday. It is such a disgrace that loyal Americans telling the truth are getting threatened, fired and punished by Trump and the Republican party.

  7. Okay, a lot of problems here, but we do not have time to do this…we must repent, turn from wickedness and pray to God for his mercy, the faster we do this as a nation, the more lives will be saved.

  8. First Modly and now Fauci. There's a lot of poor choices of words going on.

    For example, a news reporter used a Scooby Doo trademark yesterday during a serious interview uttering the phrase, "RUH ROH".

    Lastly but not least, those apostrophes on the title should be Quotation Marks. I know I'm not the only person bothered by it. ?

  9. I started to feel annoying with MSM. We should have a law to enforce MSM from telling fake news. Free press regulations of MSM doesnt give them the rights to lie, manipulate and doing harms to society! Tired of those MSMs.

  10. Dr. Fauci is very well spoken. It』s a shame people would make a big deal out of him just stalking common sense. The man is intelligent and America needs Dr. fauci.

  11. MSNBC continues to behave like degenerate teens who use gossip instead of truth to generate their embarrassingly juvenile "news reports." They represent perfectly the current descent of "mainstream media" into the out-of-touch psychos who follow their ideals rather than factual evidence, and irrespective of whether the ideal in question relates to ANY factual truth whatsoever.

  12. Of course he had to "clarify" his statement. Trump was standing there staring at him making sure the blame was not put on him. But we all know better. Trump is a serial killer. Plain and simple.

  13. You Americans are looking up to this man like an idol. He is a council member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He is a evil man. He need to go to jail for crimes against humanity.

  14. Wait until they discover that Covid19 was a genetically engineered biological weapon that got away. Maybe it came as the "GIFT" to Donnie from KIM.

  15. I don't like politics, but I've just about had a gutful of this administration as a voter. The docs like Fauci and the Surgeom General are the experts and this continuous cycle of firing or having cabinet members resign is just asinine because the President can't have his way all the time. You cannot politicize this plague, but this administration is a joke and I think its about time to cut it off at 1 term.

  16. OK got it. Trump did not suggest anything Trump DID what Fauci and his team advised Trump on what to do.
    Don't sound like a 「pushback」 it sounds like he is clarifying what the media (MSNBC) don't understand because the Media wants to blame Trump for everything.

    If the media don't like what Trump did then the media needs to blame Fauci and his team not Trump.

    I personally think Fauci and his team advised Trump pretty good.

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