埃布羅發表了Keri Hilson的5G冠狀病毒陰謀論


#EbrointheMorning#Hot97 #Coronavirus


  1. They've chopped down thousands in London over the last few weeks, 5G don't travel well through tree's. thats gonna effect the oxygen we breathe. Its a shame some of the tree's were mature dating back hundreds of years. Oh well no more lag!..

  2. so if they』re sticking us in the house to put up 5g why haven』t people who ARE still going out seen this? and if it』s true they would put it up in our damn face without hiding it.

  3. If we have people stupid enough to believe the earth is flat, then we will have people stupid enough to believe in 5G conspiracies. That simple.

  4. What does he really know about 5G? It is easy to joke, but many do not know the reality. It is not just about microwaves, but also that many people's privacy is violated by these people. There is much about targeted individuals online. Search so you personally know what I'm talking about.

  5. When one asks questions or debate, they call you a conspiracy theorist. What about a live open debate about this? No, they ignore and banned videos and comments, why? We must accept that we don't have freedom of speech, freedom of press and freedom of asking questions and in the meanwhile, they roll out something that isn't tested at all! Oh, wait…they do follow the "guidelines"? Right….and who wrote those guidelines? No transparency at all.

  6. This is all being orchestrated by wealthy world leaders and I definitely think trump and his family are main players in this whole covid 19 lie, trump is benefiting from the country being shutdown somehow, he』s benefiting financially by putting the little guy and other companies out of business so that he can make a profit in billion dollar companies he may be invested in like amazon, and isn』t it interesting that the country is closed but mar a lago is still open for all we know the American people can』t have parties or social gatherings of 10 or more people but at places like mar a lago business deals and private parties could be taking place where the trumps are receiving large amounts of money from world leaders and billionaire donors all behind the scenes because the trump family is helping the wealthy become more rich while average Americans suffer

  7. 2G is evil, 3G is making sick, LTE is satan, WIFI, is killing people, and now 5G. Trow away your phone if you don't like all that. Keep using it you consent with it.

  8. radiation is like a poison that destroy and saturate our cells, when our cells are full of toxins start to broke and those pieces of death cell can become virus, bacteria or even cancer. 5G is designated to make people sick

  9. Don't think the majority of people worried about 5G are really worried about 5G as a cause for corona (sounds a bit like a fabricated conspiracy distraction to cover up real worries). I guess it's more about 5G as a possible cancer causing short wave length carrier developed out of the short wave length weaponry systems of the US military and it becoming the infrastructure to implement a technocratic dictatorial observation system. A system like the social credit system in china and possibly other implementations you should not want to be implemented if you have a healthy distrust of government. Of course it won't be implemented like they did in china, here they'll give you discounts on your insurance etc. if you let yourself be monitored. Or they create some hysteria for people to accept more and more intrusive laws and technologies. Just like they're currently doing with Corona, a crisis for the masses that believe everything they're told by organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation that are tied into this occult deep state structure whilst pretending to be philanthropic and private as a nice unaccountable intelligence agency cover. Bill that just out of the good of his hart financed the WHO and is looking to make billions out of mandatory vaccinations and vaccine registration as well as wanting to chip people with this ID2020 program. Chipped people 5G and for instance an Elon Musk another government funded front person who's pushing the neurolink having peoples brain directly linked up to the internet. You have to be fairly autistic or naive to not see we're moving to a creepy brave new world/ 1984 kind of world but sold to the populous thru a much better and more innocent sounding propaganda method then the old dystopian literature of the past century.. But as innocent and great as it now sounds it eventually could be just as dangerous once it's there to be used against the people. Plus dozens of technocrats have been talking and writing for decades about mind control of the masses ( government/ govern- mental/ govern the mind/ mind control) to have them enjoy things they ought not to enjoy. And it's amazing how many nerds and autistic cucks and beta male types are sheering on "big tech" and government for these systems to be implemented. A bit like many of the woman that you can always manipulate with the fear mongering against child safety and then offering some convenient Orwellian new solution claiming protection of children excuse. And so are these cucks looking towards government to protect them. It's a sad development and it explains the enthusiasm for autistic people in the anti human tech developed by Silicon Valley and companies like Microsoft (talking about "A Brave New World"). It also explains the sudden push and trend for feminized males and the corporate Freemason Fortune 500 company cult pushing in favor of this whole tranny movement undermining masculinity, family and parental roles and rights.

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