
與重症監護專家Roger Seheult博士(https://www.MedCram.com)一起進行COVID-19 Update 54

COVID-19抗體檢測試劑盒的生產量正在增加-有70多家公司生產它們。抗體測試可能是最終放鬆社會疏遠限制並允許學校和企業重新開放的關鍵之一。不幸的是,此時FDA僅批准了一項抗體測試,每個公司的批准都將花費一些時間。 Seheult博士闡述了COVID-19的抗體測試和PCR-RT測試如何在細胞水平上發揮作用,並討論了冠狀病毒疫苗潛在的挑戰。









傳染病雜誌:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term = 19086915


-冠狀病毒大流行更新53:抗凝;機械通氣能否使COVID 19更差?:https://youtu.be/o8aG63yigjA
-冠狀病毒大流行更新52:伊維菌素治療; COVID-19是否會攻擊血紅蛋白?:https://youtu.be/qc6VV7ue4cE
-冠狀病毒大流行更新44:COVID-19中的氣味和結膜炎消失,發燒有用嗎? https://youtu.be/A4eu-h_owaI
-冠狀病毒大流行更新43:短缺,免疫力和結核病疫苗(BCG)是否可以幫助預防COVID-19? https://youtu.be/LqKwAIIy-Mo
-冠狀病毒大流行更新42:對COVID-19免疫並且可以重新感染嗎? https://youtu.be/q4P91VrfPGw


演講者:醫學博士Roger Seheult

MedCram為各種醫學院,教育計劃和機構提供視頻(如果您有興趣,請通過[email protected]與我們聯繫)

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  1. Thanks for supporting our COVID-19 video updates by subscribing to this channel, and visiting us at https://www.MedCram.com
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    All links referenced in this video are in the video description. Quick links to our previous updates on the coronavirus pandemic:
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 53: Anticoagulation; Can Mechanical Ventilation Make COVID 19 Worse? https://youtu.be/o8aG63yigjA
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 52: Ivermectin Treatment; Does COVID-19 Attack Hemoglobin?: https://youtu.be/qc6VV7ue4cE
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 51: State by State Projections; Ultrasound to Diagnose COVID19 Pneumonia: https://youtu.be/E7MufS6dnJw
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 50: Dip in Daily New Deaths; Research on Natural Killer Cells & COVID-19: https://youtu.be/fya6Zwxch88
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 49: New Data on COVID-19 vs Other Viral Infections (Ventilator Outcomes): https://youtu.be/uaIzj3s3p4A
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 48: Curve Flattening in California, PPE in the ICU, Medication Trials: https://youtu.be/JN-8bGB1cLM
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 47: Searching for Immunity Boosters & Possible Lessons From Spanish Flu: https://youtu.be/H1LHgyfPPQ8
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 46: Can Hot/Cold Therapy Boost Immunity? More on Hydroxychloroquine: https://youtu.be/EFRwnhfWXxo
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 45: Sharing Ventilators, More on Sleep, Immunity, & COVID-19 Prevention: https://youtu.be/G1zsE9_85i4
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 44: Loss of Smell & Conjunctivitis in COVID-19, Is Fever Helpful? https://youtu.be/A4eu-h_owaI
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 43: Shortages, Immunity, & Can a TB Vaccine (BCG) Help Prevent COVID-19? https://youtu.be/LqKwAIIy-Mo
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 42: Immunity to COVID-19 and is Reinfection Possible? https://youtu.be/q4P91VrfPGw
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 41: Shelter In Place, FDA Investigates Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: https://youtu.be/hPz5KxgI_K4
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 40: Ibuprofen and COVID-19 (are NSAIDs safe?), trials of HIV medications: https://youtu.be/dT6mHi_8V5E
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 39: Rapid COVID-19 Spread with Mild or No Symptoms, More on Treatment: https://youtu.be/AToF8O5T86s
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 38: How Hospitals & Clinics Can Prepare for COVID-19, Global Cases Surge: https://youtu.be/MoisrCTu0SY
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 37: The ACE-2 Receptor – The Doorway to COVID-19 (ACE Inhibitors & ARBs): https://youtu.be/1vZDVbqRhyM
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 36: Flatten The COVID-19 Curve, Social Distancing, Hospital Capacities: https://youtu.be/vww1nIIoqmw
    – Coronavirus Pandemic Update 35: New Outbreaks & Travel Restrictions, Possible COVID-19 Treatments: https://youtu.be/vE4_LsftNKM
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo, Italy Lockdown: https://youtu.be/U7F1cnWup9M
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 33: COVID-19 Medication Treatment Trials, Global Testing Remains Limited: https://youtu.be/Mm7UrZeu-74
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 32: Important Data from South Korea, Can Zinc Help Prevent COVID-19? https://youtu.be/Eeh054-Hx1U
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 31: Mortality Rate, Cleaning Products, A More/Less Severe Virus Strain? https://youtu.be/7YI2tOoVVpk
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 30: More Global COVID-19 Outbreaks, Vitamin D May Aid Prevention: https://youtu.be/gmqgGwT6bw0
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 29: Testing problems, mutations, COVID-19 in Washington & Iran: https://youtu.be/XjEacUyp4vY
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 28: Practical Prevention Strategies, Patient Age vs. Case Fatality Rate: https://youtu.be/quDYb_x54DM
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 27: Testing accuracy for COVID-19 (CT Scan vs. RT-PCR), California Cases: https://youtu.be/xQwfuJgJ9lo
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 26: Treatment Updates, Stock Markets, Germany & San Francisco, Pandemic? https://youtu.be/bV1CZxJ-uvU
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 25: Vaccine Developments, Italy's Response, and Mortality Rate Trends: https://youtu.be/UImSVhLLeGY
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 24: Infections in Italy, Transmissibility, COVID-19 Symptoms: https://youtu.be/wFoj2L2LpNA
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 23: Infections in Kids & Pregnancy, South Korea, Spillover From Bats: https://youtu.be/JGhwAGiAnJo
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 22: Spread Without Symptoms, Cruise Quarantine, Asymptomatic Testing: https://youtu.be/OqpHvK0XADY
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 21: Antibodies, Case Fatality, Clinical Recommendations, 2nd Infections?: https://youtu.be/9BYaywITXYk
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 20: Misinformation Spread, Infection Severity, Cruise Ship, Origins: https://youtu.be/Ka48UZDDzLY
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 19: Treatment and Medication Clinical Trials: https://youtu.be/4HK9QEy1KJ8
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 18: Cellphone Tracking, Increase in Hospitalizations, More Sleep Tips: https://youtu.be/vE4pBkslqS4
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 17: Spike in Confirmed Cases, Fighting Infections with Sleep (COVID-19): https://youtu.be/wlbM6VVkVZM
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 16: Strengthening Your Immune Response to Viral Infections (COVID-19): https://youtu.be/qqZYEgREuZ8
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 15: Underreporting, Prevention, 24 Day Incubation? (COVID19): https://youtu.be/o804wu5h_ms
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 14: Hospital spread of infection, WHO allowed in China, N-95 masks: https://youtu.be/pDnmHu8x9C4
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 13: Li Wenliang, nCoV vs Influenza, Dip in Daily Cases, Spread to Canada: https://youtu.be/0UgrPgJdzp0
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 12: Unsupported Theories, Pneumonia, ACE2 & nCoV: https://youtu.be/GT3_A1bf9pU
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 11: Antiviral Drugs, Treatment Trials for nCoV (Remdesivir, Chloroquine): https://youtu.be/pfGpdFNHoqQ
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 10: New Studies, Transmission, Spread from Wuhan, Prevention (2019-nCoV): https://youtu.be/gPwfiQgGsFo
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 9: Fecal-Oral Transmission, Recovery vs Death Rate: https://youtu.be/8Hjy3UfaTSc
    – Coronavirus Outbreak Update 8: Travel Ban, Spread Outside of China, Quarantine, & MRSA: https://youtu.be/GpbUoLvpdCo
    – Coronavirus Epidemic Update 7: Global Health Emergency Declared, Viral Shedding: https://youtu.be/nW3xqcGidpQ
    – Coronavirus Outbreak Update 6: Asymptomatic Transmission & Incubation Period: https://youtu.be/UGxgNebx1pg
    – Coronavirus Update 5: Mortality Rate vs SARS / Influenza: https://youtu.be/MN9-UXsvPBY
    – How Coronavirus Kills: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) & Treatment: https://youtu.be/okg7uq_HrhQ
    – Coronavirus Update 3: Spread, Quarantine, Projections, & Vaccine: https://youtu.be/SJBYwUtB83o
    – Coronavirus Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment: https://youtu.be/UCG3xqtcL3c
    – Coronavirus Outbreak – Transmission & Updates: https://youtu.be/9vMXSkKLg2I

  2. Do you agree with this info that is circulating from an MD about the validity of antibody tests? 「The big flaw with these antibody tests is the cross-reaction with other Coronaviruses. This is plainly stated in the package inserts. A positive IgG quicktest DOES NOT MEAN you have IgG antibodies or are immune to Covid-19! It means that you have IgG antibodies to one of the Coronaviruses (maybe or maybe not Covid-19).」

  3. There's a theory that the symptoms are similar to high altitude pulmonary edema and that the medication used on HAPE can be the answer, what are your thoughts on this?

  4. Doctors shouldn』t make their decisions on what the FDA does or does not decry you don』t work for them: they don』t work for your patients:if you are depending on the FDA to understand if, how, and why a test or medication works: then you should consider a different field.

  5. I did some research and….
    The pandemic started in 2019, 5 years after Ebola, Ebola started 5 years after the Swine flu pandemic, and the Swine Flu started 5 years after the Avian Flu…
    Avian came from birds, Swine came from pigs, Ebola came from bats, Corona comes from bats

  6. Another thought would be enhanced Vit D production in Forest excursions over smog filled city walks, with consequent immune function benefits

  7. Hi, I have been very depressed and anxious lately because my parents are older than 60. They have not yet understood the gravity of the situation. They're are sad because I don't visit them that often nowadays cuz of the virus and they take it personal. I read a Harvard article that said the only chance we have to fight this virus is that more than 65% of the population gets infected and they're are no likely to survive if they get infected (I'm crying while writing this). And others say this social distancing will last till 2022. I'm seriously very depressed because of my parents. Here in Guatemala we've only 180 cases but the number increases everyday. I hope I can hear better news from you in the future. If you're also feeling depressed because your parents or friends or grandparents are seniors, please reach out to me.

  8. It is ludicrously impossible to calculate how many asymptomatic people there are in order to calculate the rates of any other symptoms. It could be that the tests (which according to the BBC and NCBI may yield up to 80,33% false positives) have fooled us into thinking that the infection and mortality numbers are up to 5 times higher than reality, OR it could even mean that billions around the world have already had it and are already immune and the only ones suffering today are the unhealthy boomers.

    Medical is the 5th preferred profession of psychopaths (Journalism is 6th and Law Enforcement is 7th). Medical Error is the 3rd Cause of Death in developed nations according to John-Hopkins and the WHO; Doctors kill over 14 thousand innocent people indiscriminately every single day. On average Medical Professionals are 15x more lethal than CoV19.

    According to the CDC, the Common Cold (do a search right now for "Common Cold Causes" and you'll find the scientific name "Coronaviruses") kills 600 thousand per year. At this rate, at this late month in the yearly Cold Season, CoV19 (19 meaning "from 2019", novel meaning it is, like every single year, a new mutation) will just be over HALF as deadly as 2017's Common Cold was was (646 thousand deaths according to WHO).

    Smoking is 20x more lethal than CoV19 according to the CDC, but tobacco will never be banned and no one is telling you to wear a mask around smokers.

  9. Can you really assume that actual virus is present from RNA found on a swab (or on any other surface, for that matter?) I remember a researcher at a lab I once worked at mentioned the pesky environmental RNAses that kept breaking down his experimental RNA before he could use it, so perhaps one can assume that the RNA is broken down almost immediately once the capsid has broken down? However, there was a study in Nebraska that looked at coronavirus which had disseminated throughout a building to varying degrees and they made a distinction between RNA and actual virus, as they were using PCR and wanted to make sure that readers realized it was actually RNA they looked at and not actual virus. Curious to know what is actually thought about RNA vs. actual virus in such cases.

  10. Keep your distance keep clean day to yourself I'm staying to myself I'm 63 years old I'm homeless hate to say that but I keep to myself I just pray every day gets better and we all get together and fight this terrible things happening around the world God bless us all and God is putting us to a to test he wants it all to respect the world we live in take care of our world our planet God bless us all and rest in peace for the ones that passed away

  11. There have been reported cases of people getting re infected. We still do not know if those recovered actually develop antubodies. I think we "assume". Thanks man. This is very helpful. Relevant information.

  12. Technical questions need to ask any MBBS, immunologist or Lung Doctors (pulmonary specialists)
    (1.1) Say a normal person is tested for 20 most commons flu except corona-19 and also tested for common killer bacteria like TB etc. How many of of normal persons will test positive for these flu?
    (2.1) Say a patient of age 20 suffers form a specific flu virus and he recovers. Will his body "remember" the cure ? i.e. is he likely to get severe infection from that specific flu virus again? Even at age of 60 years or 65 years, where he has normal health?
    (2.2) There are 20 strains of corona viruses. Say a person is infected with one strain, he gets some cold and recovers,. Now say he is infected with ANOTHER strain after a few years. Then will antibody made for previous strain now be useful? Or, body may gave to develop a new strain?
    (3.1) say 2000 patients have reached covid-19 infection to the point that they need ventilators. Say because of shortage, only 1000 are given ventilators and 1000 are not, Then in each set of 1000, how many will survive STATISTICALLY speaking. And pls note — we talking about covid-19 patients ONLY
    (3.2) Any data from Italy? i.e. of all patients who were put on ventilators, how many survived? Also in Italy, of all patients who were given ventllators, how many survived? And those who did not survive, how many days did they live longer for?
    (3.3) Ventilator has many functions. But say one wants to make covid-19 specific ventilator / respirator. Then what features can be ignored
    (3.4) Ventilator are made with 99.99% reliability in mind. But say one chooses to make 99% reliable ventilator i.e. if 1000 ventilators are used for 1 month, 110 may fail. Then what other modifications can be allowed to save production time?
    . …..

  13. Now is the time to take true action and repent from your sins, turn from doing evil, and pray to God to forgive us all. This is the only true method that will save lives.

  14. How come HIV patients can't make adaptive immunity…? If they find a vaccine for covid would they also use same thing for rx of syndromes like HIV? Can you do a comparison video?

  15. Doc, as it replicates COV 19 bonds to and destroys the protective cover on the iron ion within the hemaglobin molecule. The patient's body becomes starved for oxygen O2 and dies..

    COV 19 patients recur and become contagious a second time. You need to check the most recent data, PLEASE ! ! !

  16. Thank you for your COVID19 posts. Seriously i feel your post have done a public service to keep people aware of what is really going on, knowns, unknowns, and your channel has stayed away from politics THANK YOU. I have started watching many of your other videos, thank you very much for educating us.

  17. Hi Dr. Seheult,

    Perhaps if you are not too busy, maybe you can confirm or refute this:

    I was having a conversation with a friend about plasma therapy for COVID patients. With my limited knowledge(A.S in Biology), I tried to make the case that this type of therapy probably has high efficacy and can save many lives provided there is sufficient blood plasma in the hospitals. His argument was that it wouldn't matter because he heard stories of people being re-infected. I told him it wouldn't matter if someone is infected a second, third, fourth time etc., because infection doesn't necessarily mean sickness or symptoms. I say this because I remember from my immunology course that if somebody has sufficient antibodies for a certain virus, when the virus enters that person's body it will replicate briefly but then there would be a very rapid immune response which will prevent the person from getting sick. Right?

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