

無論是報道國外衝突和國內政治分歧,還是報道最新的時尚趨勢和科學發展,《紐約時報》的視頻記者都可以提供令人難忘的世界觀。這是所有值得關注的新聞。 。

  1. Hi, I'm Haley, one of the producers on this video. Just wanted to give you all a bit of insight into how we reported this piece.

    Early on, we asked ourselves the question of what coronavirus would look like in a conflict zone. We've all reported on Libya in the past and knew that the pandemic would only further stress the situation there. Then, we noticed that people in Tripoli, Libya's capital, were all tweeting different variations of the same thing: we're being told to stay home by the government, but our homes are being shelled almost every day. They either stay home and risk being hit by a missile, or flee and risk contracting the virus. We decided to speak with them about what they're experiencing. Most told us they felt like there was no longer anywhere safe in Libya.

    We also put together a spreadsheet tracking fighting and other developments in Libya. We compiled information using social media analysis, conflict monitors (like ACLED and Airwars), and witness accounts. Together, this information helped us understand how the war was continuing — and even getting worse — despite the coronavirus pandemic. We found out that the Libyan National Army (LNA), led by military strongman Khalifa Haftar, was shelling a civilian area within minutes of its announcement that it would agree to a humanitarian pause to the fighting. We also reported on Al-Khadra Hospital, which was hit by the LNA three times in less than a week. That hospital was known to be treating and testing coronavirus patients — it was forced to temporarily shut down, a major blow to a country with an already fragile healthcare system in a pandemic. The war shows no sign of slowing down. For now, Libyans must wait and see how it, and the virus, continue to spread.

    Thanks for watching our video. I'll be trying to answer any questions below, so feel free to ask away!

  2. I am always confused about this stuff. How the phone company, hospitals, electricity, running water, supermarkets, the internet and other things still work in a war zone where bombs are dropped daily??? People go to work? People get paid to go to work? Are banks open? I am lost.

  3. in this small world where we living cant we all just live in peace? we all don't know for how long we going to live in this world but still can't utilise this time for spreading love and peace not hatred and virus?

  4. If you look at Libya, Syria, Iran., Iraq etc etc I think the young men just love war, it's about nothing else but the desire to be continually at war.The women and the children have no say and do the suffering.

  5. IT'S NOT a "Killer" That information is totally FAKE! The "Corona Virus Pandemic is just a common cold/flu." Please WAKE UP PEOPLE! Your being LIED TO FOR AN (EVIL AGENDA!) No One Dies from a Cold or the Flu bug EXCEPT "OLD PEOPLE with Health Issues," that always comes with Every One's 'Old Age.' ?

  6. I am a Muslim and I am very sad to say that we should be ashamed of ourselves.
    First of all we disagree on things and then when outsiders manipulate and get in then we go crazy and don't know what to do and start killing and dying like mad fools.
    Time to stop and think.

  7. Now the problem is entire world is suffering so who cares about people who are already fighting? I am predicting genocide in all war zones of world. 2 Because of coronavirus new war zones are likely to emerge. DARK DAYS AHEAD…..????

  8. As a popular king during his lifetime, wise King Solomon knew the world of his day. He wrote, "All of this I have seen … that man has dominated man to his harm." (Ecclesiastes 8:9) The powerful during his day have very similar behaviors to those in power today. All the wars that have ever existed happened because of ideologies, religion, land, power, and control. As a result, the Bible declares human governments to be a complete failure. How so?

    God gave humans many amazing qualities. Genesis tells us we are made in His image. That means, unlike the animals, we can mirror aspects of God's personality like love, power, justice, wisdom, mercy, and even free will. However, the one thing God NEVER bestowed upon humans is the ability to rule one another. And the reason is simple: when God created Adam, only God had the sovereign right to rule over his creation. But unlike the rulers today, God's sovereignty is always tempered with love. The Bible says, "God IS love." (1 John 4:8) That is to say, that love is the primary attribute of God's personality and the one that drives all his motivations including his greatest act of love found in John 3:16.

    When Satan influenced Adam and Eve to rebel, humanity came under Satan's rulership. A fact so clearly stated in 2 Corinthians 4:4 when it declares him "the god of this system of things." Since the rebellion in the Garden of Eden, Jehovah God has allowed Satan to try every form of human government known independent of God's sovereignty. And to prove the point: "Man's way does not belong to him, it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step." (Jeremiah 10:23) We, humans, lack the ABILITY to do this in a similar way that we cannot fly naturally.

    If you want to live in genuine peace under a Government that will satisfy your needs, the needs of your neighbors, and the needs of the planet itself, then Jehovah God's heavenly government is THE only real solution to all humanity's problems. The best thing about God's government is it has his son Jesus Christ as its king. It is the ONLY government in existence that is fully endorsed by Jehovah. Please visit, JW.org has more information.

  9. Libya was ok with Gadhafi
    Thanks to America and Nato this people are suffering
    Before Bush father invaded Iraq, there was no isis or terrorist around the word
    All this is happening because of some western countries policy
    But God is aware of everything you do

  10. "Forgive them father for they know not what they do" -Jesus Christ (an actual human that literally died nailed to a wooden cross)

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