密歇根州州長發表冠狀病毒反應簡報| Business Wire NBC新聞


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密歇根州州長發表冠狀病毒反應簡報| Business Wire NBC新聞。

  1. The governor is WISE in her decision to Protect the citizens of her state. The PANDEMIC is leaving a trail of DEATH and nightmarish terror with families whose loved ones who have been interred. It is a COLD reality. Not too long ago, in fact, less than a month ago, there were still bullheaded governors who rejected the stay-home notion to fend folks from the enraged virus. NOW, they are aghast with the statistics of death and their foolhardiness. Too LATE! While it is understandably a frustrating idea to stay home, work/$$$$$$ is not accepted in the Coronavirus' unmerciful mission. The degree of CULPABILITY does NOT lie with this governor; he who is supposed to be US president, like those who are presently ranting against "stay-home" policy, did not believe that over a quarter million Americans would have been infected by that virus and there would have been an approximation of 35,000 who been interred. His lagging and absence of leadership now stand as fortresses of reason AGAINST him and those who are following his lead. Dante Alighieri, the father of modern Italian once uttered, "Che non men che saver, dubbiar m' aggrata". Ignorance no less than knowledge charms. In other words, acts of IGNORANCE will charm others, but NOT knowledge or those who possess it (knowledge)! The governor is CHARMED by her knowledge or understanding of what is transpiring.

  2. Women, all women. And more women. Women in every commercial. Women in every position of power. Women in ALL key positions. The world will be a better place when everything is about…….women. I'm sure the diversity police are very pleased with your production Ms. Whitmer. When your state goes up in flames soon I'm positive that everyone will turn to a WOMAN for security. What a joke.

  3. Oh yeah that was her whole campaign slogan fix the roads. Even before this catastrophe had she had zero game plan on how to do that. It's ridiculous and if she gets re-elected Michigan needs to the pour a bunch of Hoosiers that moved here and decided to retardedly vote for her

  4. Notice the Michigan flag and U.S. flag – The U.S. flag is uniformly displayed. The Michigan flag her state flag is not uniformly displayed – WHY – because the Michigan flag shows a man holding a rifle and the Latin word Tuebor meaning – I will defend. She dishonors and dislikes her own flag, because it shows a rifle. What does that tell you about what she thinks of your gun rights.

  5. To the governor : please pass a law that states if you do not have a mask on you can not go to any stores or business that are open. I'm so sick of seeing people going places without there mask on they jeopardize other people who are practicing using their mask and social distancing and they have spread there virus to workers who died in the food industry SMH

  6. Well, Michigan voters voted her in and now they're stuck with her. As far as I can see, they deserve what they got. Maybe next time they'll wise up and vote in a conservative who's not on a power trip. By the way, who's the blond farm animal twitching in the background.

  7. She has some pretty great ideas — stopping people from gathering together even with their families, ordering people not to buy seeds —

    they can't even plant their own food now!

  8. Is this an SNL skit? I am so confused!!! I am locked down in the middle of the city of Chicago and not much is going on here in Lincoln Park. Seems wild out there and nothing going on here. Sucks everything is closed but Home Depot, 7-11 and Walgreens is open. This is insane to see how on different planets other states are.

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