

根據馬歇爾計劃和ProPublica Pulitzer獲獎文章,T。Christian Miller和Ken Armstrong撰寫的「一個令人難以置信的強姦故事」,以及《美國生活》廣播劇集《懷疑的解剖》,由奧斯卡導演被提名人蘇珊娜·格蘭特(Susannah Grant)和麗莎·霍洛登科(Lisa Cholodenko),「令人難以置信」是一個無法形容的創傷,堅定的堅韌和驚人的韌性的故事。

Showrunner的Susannah Grant執行官由CBS電視演播室以及Sarah Timberman,Carl Beverly,Lisa Cholodenko,Ayelet Waldman,Michael Chabon,Katie Couric,Richard Tofel,Neil Barsky,Robyn Semien和Marie共同製作該系列。





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  1. Just finished it. I was pissed off all the time because I knew that it wasn't just a fake series with an imagenery script, but it is based on a true storyline,happened in 2011. I cannot imagine the suffer and the pain of the victims ……. !

    As regards to the series, WOW ! These actors!!!! A great acting job. They get you into the atmosphere in every single episode. ???

  2. Just watched the series. It was probably one of the most beautiful, moving tv series I've ever watched. I might be biased because I'm a woman, and the story of one of the main characters touched me a lot. I've watched True Detective, but this series in my opinion is far better. Before this, I had no idea that victim's of rape like Marie were subjected this sort of treatment by Police officers even in the West. I can only imagine how bad it is in my own country; Sri Lanka, where we still have victim blaming as well.

  3. If I ask A Question ??? I Will interrupte u just to tell you I do not care what your Anwer is And make sure you know that I am no longer listing when and If I had asked a question For ever One Question there are a 1000 answers Iam already planets and whole eras and volumes of space a head of you 🙂

  4. I am Annice Cannon If you believe it you can surly find me working around Mansfield Dam ,,,,in AuTin Texas 1:33 +1:34 I am chasing no one However The Man U may have been me at all Female Born 1984 and 5』2」 My name should be enough How』ve if There is some one else asking you a bunch of Questions YOU KNOW FOR A FACT THAT AINT ME

  5. This is a must watch. The perfect illustration of what happens to women who don』t fit the idea of what a perfect victim looks like, talks like, reacts like which in the end is most since the perfect victim is a myth

  6. I've just finished this amazing show and I cannot stress enough how much I'd recommend everyone watching this! It's so unbelievably (pun intended) well made, the whole plot, the characters development, the main actresses performance, the way it's depicted the situation of real rape victims and the way the whole systems regards these cases.
    Seriously, a gem of a series. Flawlessly and unbelievably incredible.
    P.D. Sussan Grant as the director and writer of this amazing show should be getting an oscar

  7. I wasn』t exactly raped, but I had been groomed and had been molested a lot more times that I could count. The hardest one was when I felt alone when the most important person I wanted to comfort was then my boyfriend didn』t get the time or decency to call me or visit me. When I begged him to come to hear me out. When I stood up to myself through a female supervisor at my work I was branded as liar by 85% of the staff. It hurt to also know, feel and see that they mocked me. When all I wanted this go down but there was no proof. It was my words against his since he found 2 places without cameras.. all the while my boyfriend was too busy to come 「because of the new ace game」 he was into then. It has taken me… this year will 9 years to finally go and remind me all the same I』ve the power and not all of these will occur to me again. I』m smarter and stronger now. Just need to find my big voice to be noticed

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